"Don't choose the better man...
Choose the man who makes you a better woman..."

Two spies fall in love with the same girl...

For guys who want to take their love partners to watch a romantic movie but dislike romance, well, this movie is definitely for you because besides all of the cliche hanky panky antiques, there are also humor and a bit of action! Therefore, u can fulfill your female partner's need for a romantic experience and also have a little fun yourself...
Despite the fact that Reese Witherspoon who played Lauren is really cute and hot in this movie, I was actually more entertained at the relationship between FDR (Chris Pine) and Tuck (Tom Hardy)... No, for those who haven't watched this, they're not gay... They're just best friends and colleagues... Ahemm, okey... Yeah, as I was saying, I was more intrigued at the bromance between FDR and Tuck rather than their pursuit to win over Lauren's heart...
Why? No, it's not because I'm gay... Bitch please, I'm married... It's just because their interaction with each other is quite humorous... Like the time when FDR demanded Tuck to stop copying his sentences but he refused... Kinda reminded me of my relationship with my bros... God I miss those people...
The most entertaining part is when both spies compete with each other to prevent each other from sleeping with Lauren... The scene when Tuck shot a tranquilizer dart at FDR was effing hilarious...

The romance part would be more heartfelt if u choose a side between FDR and Tuck... I chose team Tuck and therefore, every time FDR scored, I felt bad... Maybe that's why this movie is not just a pop corn flick for me though it was intended to be... Gosh, I'm so emotional...
If u push aside the things said in the above paragraph, well, what I can really say is, this movie is just like any other romantic comedies - predictable, full of cliches and cute...
Yeah, everything's quite predictable... I knew that Lauren and FDR are gonna meet at that store... I knew that Tuck didn't break the rule of the game (If u know what I mean...)
Yeah, this movie is full of cliches... Show the girl something new but simple and yet so meaningful, she'll fall straight into your arms...
Yeah, Reese Witherspoon is so cute... She's cute with FDR... She's so soft with Tuck...
TYPICAL ROMANTIC COMEDY!!! (Imagine me saying it with lightning effects at the background)
However, I'm not saying that this movie is too typical that it's bad... No no no no no... As a matter of fact, the bantering between FDR and Tuck, the turn of events, and Lauren's every response and action are so entertaining, I almost ignore the typicality...
Action is not the main focus of this movie... Therefore, thou shall not expect this movie to be like James Bond or other epic spy movies... Hmm... Okey, this movie is more like the movie Knight and Day where the action part is not overwhelming or jaw dropping, but it's not too lame either...
The crew needs to work more on making the special effects more realistic... The part when enemies' MPV rolling towards all three main characters is clearly computer generated...

The verdict? In my opinion, this movie is very entertaining... Like I said before, the thing that I enjoy the most about this movie is the competition and care between FDR and Tuck... It's hilarious and I had fun...
3.5 out of 5 stars...
By the way, the sexy scenes were cut... Najib didn't keep his promise about the censorship thing...