Bobby Beans (Denzel Washington) & Micheal Stigman (Mark Wahlberg) were partners in crimes... Bobby was the guy who always knew a guy while Stig was a sharpshooter with attitude... Their lives were in danger after they successfully robbed a bank & got entangled in a string of corrupt relationship between the Navy, CIA & a crime lord... The owner of the money wanted his money back.
Fucking hilarious.
Yeah, this movie gave me a lot of laughs... I had fun watching it. Most of the laughs came from the script... Wahlberg & Washington did great in delivering fast paced comedic dialogues... I mean, hey! How come no one paired these two up before this??
Another cast that shone bright is Bill Paxton who played a dirty CIA agent named Earl. His lines were also awesome, particularly when he's interrogating.
There's nothing new in terms of action, though... This is the type of movie where despite being rained with bullets from all sides, the leads still survive & managed to kill every bad guy at the end. Car chases, explosions, sloppy fist fights. Everything that Hollywood had offered us before.
The story's not quite straightforward... It's interesting enough to keep me guessing & intrigued... Who got the money? Who else are involved? Who's the bad guy here?
All in all, the star of this movie is the highly comedic script! Praises for the writer & the cast members who managed to deliver it. There's nothing new in action but it's still good... Story is also written well & managed to keep me interested.
By the way, Robin Thicke's wife is in this one. She's hot.
Yeah, this movie gave me a lot of laughs... I had fun watching it. Most of the laughs came from the script... Wahlberg & Washington did great in delivering fast paced comedic dialogues... I mean, hey! How come no one paired these two up before this??
Another cast that shone bright is Bill Paxton who played a dirty CIA agent named Earl. His lines were also awesome, particularly when he's interrogating.
There's nothing new in terms of action, though... This is the type of movie where despite being rained with bullets from all sides, the leads still survive & managed to kill every bad guy at the end. Car chases, explosions, sloppy fist fights. Everything that Hollywood had offered us before.
The story's not quite straightforward... It's interesting enough to keep me guessing & intrigued... Who got the money? Who else are involved? Who's the bad guy here?
All in all, the star of this movie is the highly comedic script! Praises for the writer & the cast members who managed to deliver it. There's nothing new in action but it's still good... Story is also written well & managed to keep me interested.
By the way, Robin Thicke's wife is in this one. She's hot.
4 out of 5 stars.