Rokok Sembilu?
Takde nama lain ke?
Nama yang lagi ganas dan melambangkan ke"macho"an para perokok
I was sitting by the counter, looking after dad's grocery store, staring blankly at the groceries arranged on the racks, with my mouth opened and I did notice a drip of saliva was about to drop from my mouth... (I exaggerate a bit to show the level of boredom I was dealing...)
Then, a crazy looking guy (I'm not exaggerating, he was really crazy looking) entered the store...
His name was DeY (not his real name...)
Dey : Mie, Rokok Suria 2 bukuh...
Mie, Rokok Suria 2 bungkus...
I Handed him the 2 packs of cigarrette)
He Threw me the money
I Threw the change at him
He Gave me an annoyed look... Actually he always give me that look... I guess he hates me...
I did Not give a damn about it...
He was still staring...
Few images of Dey grabbing the pocket knife on the counter and slitting my throat with it suddenly crossed my mind... So I slowly removed the knife and also the pens from the counter...
DEy went from the counter to the instant noodles rack... He grabbed five packs of Maggie Kari Berapi...
Dey : Braper ringgit eh?
Berapa ringgitkah maggie-maggie ini?
Me : Lima hinggett! Sebungkus singgett!
Lima ringgit... Sebungkus satu ringgit...
DEy : Maha ah! keda Pok Awang tujoh poseng je sebukuh...
Mahalnya! Kedai Pak Awang jual tujuh puluh sen je sebungkus...
Me : Takboh beli, jangang cakak banyok...
Kalau taknak beli, jangan cakap banyak...
Dey gave me the stare again... He took out something from his pocket and walked slowly towards me...
I seriously thought he would draw out a knife but it was something rather small instead...
Dey : MIe, Aku nok jua memori kak ke mung... puloh ringget je...
Mie, aku nak jual kau memory card satu... Sepuluh ringgit je...
It was a 512MB memory card...
Me : Tak boh...
: Tak nak...
DEy : Oloh, mie, Muroh je ni... derah ah, aku nok beli Megi ni...
: Ala, mie, murah je ni... Cepat la, aku nak beli Maggie ni...
Me : Aku nok wat mende nge natang tu? Aku paka henfon muroh je...
: Aku nak buat apa dengan benda tu? Aku pakai handphone murah je...
Another costumer walked in... (Mamat)
Dey : Haaa... Mamak! Tengok ni... Memori kak... Aku nok jua puloh ringgek je...
Haaa... Mamat! Tengok ni... Memory card... Aku nak jual sepuluh ringgit je
Mamat : Hish, aku nok wat mende nge natang tu? Aku paka henfon muroh je... Mie, Rokok Dunhill 14 se...
Hish, aku nak buat apa dengan benda tu? Aku pakai handpone murah je... Mie, Rokok Dunhill 14 satu...
DEy : Oloh, Mak, Muroh je ni... cepaK ah, aku nok beli Megi ni...
Ala, Mat, murah je ni... Cepat la, aku nak beli Maggie ni...
Mamat : Takdok, Takdok, takdok! Aku nok cepak ni...
: Takde, Takde, Takde! Aku nak cepat ni...
I mumbled, "why dont u just sell that thing somewhere else and then come back for the Maggie later..."
Mamat walked out and another costumer came in (Najib)
DEy : Haa, NajiK! nih, aku jua puloh ringgek
Haa, Najib! ni, aku jual sepuluh ringgit
Najib : Bende ni!? 512 je? Aku ada 8G doh DEy!
Apa benda ni!? 512 je? Aku dah ada 8G la DEy!
Dey : Aku nok beli Meg...
Aku nak beli Mag...
Najib : Pinjang baju jak, aku nok lap tangang jak... Basoh eh, susoh nok cucuh rokok
Pinjam baju jap, aku nak lap tangan jap... Basah ni, susah nak nyalakan rokok
Najib wiped out his hands using DEy's shirt... lighted his cigarrette and walked away... Leaving Dey... urmm... with a wet shirt...
Dey tried to stare at me again... but as soon as he turned to me, he took the 5 packs of Maggie Kari Berapi and put them back on the rack... and walkaway... I guess it was bcoz I was grinning at him annoyingly...
He could just buy the Maggie Kari Berapi instead of 2 packs of Gudang Garam Suria...
Takde nama lain ke?
Nama yang lagi ganas dan melambangkan ke"macho"an para perokok
I was sitting by the counter, looking after dad's grocery store, staring blankly at the groceries arranged on the racks, with my mouth opened and I did notice a drip of saliva was about to drop from my mouth... (I exaggerate a bit to show the level of boredom I was dealing...)
Then, a crazy looking guy (I'm not exaggerating, he was really crazy looking) entered the store...
His name was DeY (not his real name...)
Dey : Mie, Rokok Suria 2 bukuh...
Mie, Rokok Suria 2 bungkus...
I Handed him the 2 packs of cigarrette)
He Threw me the money
I Threw the change at him
He Gave me an annoyed look... Actually he always give me that look... I guess he hates me...
I did Not give a damn about it...
He was still staring...
Few images of Dey grabbing the pocket knife on the counter and slitting my throat with it suddenly crossed my mind... So I slowly removed the knife and also the pens from the counter...
DEy went from the counter to the instant noodles rack... He grabbed five packs of Maggie Kari Berapi...
Dey : Braper ringgit eh?
Berapa ringgitkah maggie-maggie ini?
Me : Lima hinggett! Sebungkus singgett!
Lima ringgit... Sebungkus satu ringgit...
DEy : Maha ah! keda Pok Awang tujoh poseng je sebukuh...
Mahalnya! Kedai Pak Awang jual tujuh puluh sen je sebungkus...
Me : Takboh beli, jangang cakak banyok...
Kalau taknak beli, jangan cakap banyak...
Dey gave me the stare again... He took out something from his pocket and walked slowly towards me...
I seriously thought he would draw out a knife but it was something rather small instead...
Dey : MIe, Aku nok jua memori kak ke mung... puloh ringget je...
Mie, aku nak jual kau memory card satu... Sepuluh ringgit je...
It was a 512MB memory card...
Me : Tak boh...
: Tak nak...
DEy : Oloh, mie, Muroh je ni... derah ah, aku nok beli Megi ni...
: Ala, mie, murah je ni... Cepat la, aku nak beli Maggie ni...
Me : Aku nok wat mende nge natang tu? Aku paka henfon muroh je...
: Aku nak buat apa dengan benda tu? Aku pakai handphone murah je...
Another costumer walked in... (Mamat)
Dey : Haaa... Mamak! Tengok ni... Memori kak... Aku nok jua puloh ringgek je...
Haaa... Mamat! Tengok ni... Memory card... Aku nak jual sepuluh ringgit je
Mamat : Hish, aku nok wat mende nge natang tu? Aku paka henfon muroh je... Mie, Rokok Dunhill 14 se...
Hish, aku nak buat apa dengan benda tu? Aku pakai handpone murah je... Mie, Rokok Dunhill 14 satu...
DEy : Oloh, Mak, Muroh je ni... cepaK ah, aku nok beli Megi ni...
Ala, Mat, murah je ni... Cepat la, aku nak beli Maggie ni...
Mamat : Takdok, Takdok, takdok! Aku nok cepak ni...
: Takde, Takde, Takde! Aku nak cepat ni...
I mumbled, "why dont u just sell that thing somewhere else and then come back for the Maggie later..."
Mamat walked out and another costumer came in (Najib)
DEy : Haa, NajiK! nih, aku jua puloh ringgek
Haa, Najib! ni, aku jual sepuluh ringgit
Najib : Bende ni!? 512 je? Aku ada 8G doh DEy!
Apa benda ni!? 512 je? Aku dah ada 8G la DEy!
Dey : Aku nok beli Meg...
Aku nak beli Mag...
Najib : Pinjang baju jak, aku nok lap tangang jak... Basoh eh, susoh nok cucuh rokok
Pinjam baju jap, aku nak lap tangan jap... Basah ni, susah nak nyalakan rokok
Najib wiped out his hands using DEy's shirt... lighted his cigarrette and walked away... Leaving Dey... urmm... with a wet shirt...
Dey tried to stare at me again... but as soon as he turned to me, he took the 5 packs of Maggie Kari Berapi and put them back on the rack... and walkaway... I guess it was bcoz I was grinning at him annoyingly...
He could just buy the Maggie Kari Berapi instead of 2 packs of Gudang Garam Suria...

By Secondhand Serenade...
The best thing about tonight's
that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you
I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind Or
I won't live to see another day
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in,
I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
I'm not much of a football fan, but watching Malaysia play against Thailand and Myanmar was... menyedihkan...
What went wrong? Well, of course people would blame the lack of stamina, lack of management skills from FAM, too much politics involves... yada yada yada...
One thing that I think is impressive about the Malaysia National Football Team is the fact that they are being sponsored by NIke... Luv the jerseys... and I saw their ads in the newspapers... Whoa... Cool ads... "Bila anda menyarungkan jersi ini, mempertahankannya adalah yang utama, yang lain dipedulikan..." ...or something like that la...
What went wrong? Well, of course people would blame the lack of stamina, lack of management skills from FAM, too much politics involves... yada yada yada...
One thing that I think is impressive about the Malaysia National Football Team is the fact that they are being sponsored by NIke... Luv the jerseys... and I saw their ads in the newspapers... Whoa... Cool ads... "Bila anda menyarungkan jersi ini, mempertahankannya adalah yang utama, yang lain dipedulikan..." ...or something like that la...
About a couple of weeks ago, my family and I went to Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu for my mother's regular checkup... Well, it was a long journey for us to get there... 6 people to fit in a Honda Accord... well, my dad and my big brother would not be complaining since they got to sit in front... but for the rest of us, we had to squeeze ourselves to fit in the back seat... Not to mention it was raining heavily... In fact it had been raining non stop for days... Therefore, instead of taking the main road to Kuala Terengganu, we have to take alternative roads to avoid getting stuck in floods...
The Honda Accord is an old car... My uncle gave it to my brother as he was not using it anymore... Therefore, old car plus long journey equals to problems and discomfort... The aircond broke so we had to open the windows just a little bit to let some cool air in... otherwise we all would be covered with sweat which is not a good thing if u're sitting so close to each other... the strong wind was not a problem... the problem was the rain... So, which one did we choose? Got soaked up with sweat or shower in the rain? We chose sweat...
After the rain finally stopped, my brother lowered the window and got splashed with water as a lorry passed by from the opposite way... Nice :)
After we managed to get to the hospital, getting back home required us to come out with some plans to avoid ourselves from being soaked again... either by sweat or rain... and the solution was... jeng jeng jeng... we couldnt think of one... except mom thinking of buying an Avanza...
Journey home was worst... After having lunch at my granny's, we head home... It was raining again but the ride was smooth... until... smoke started to came out from the engine... We didnt know what went wrong and how to fix it... adding to our problem, the back mirror suddenly leaking out drops of water... Great, we were soaked by both sweat and rain...
Luckily the car could still move and we got home safely eventhough we were kinda a bit wet...
The Honda Accord is an old car... My uncle gave it to my brother as he was not using it anymore... Therefore, old car plus long journey equals to problems and discomfort... The aircond broke so we had to open the windows just a little bit to let some cool air in... otherwise we all would be covered with sweat which is not a good thing if u're sitting so close to each other... the strong wind was not a problem... the problem was the rain... So, which one did we choose? Got soaked up with sweat or shower in the rain? We chose sweat...
After the rain finally stopped, my brother lowered the window and got splashed with water as a lorry passed by from the opposite way... Nice :)
After we managed to get to the hospital, getting back home required us to come out with some plans to avoid ourselves from being soaked again... either by sweat or rain... and the solution was... jeng jeng jeng... we couldnt think of one... except mom thinking of buying an Avanza...
Journey home was worst... After having lunch at my granny's, we head home... It was raining again but the ride was smooth... until... smoke started to came out from the engine... We didnt know what went wrong and how to fix it... adding to our problem, the back mirror suddenly leaking out drops of water... Great, we were soaked by both sweat and rain...
Luckily the car could still move and we got home safely eventhough we were kinda a bit wet...
On the last 8th of December, my family and I went back to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha...

On that day, I've witnessed a massacre... 4 cows had been slain alive to celebrate the festive and harmonious Hari Raya and the meat had been divided to family members and the poor...
Well, you know... when I was watching from far how the cows got slaughtered, one thing crossed my mind... WE DIE EASILY... with just a single slice to the neck, blood came pouring from the cows' throat and they were left there to die... if the same thing happened to us, humans... man... It would be brutal...
Our lives are so fragile... even one simple fall can really caused death... and yet, many still gamble their lives doing stupid things!! Merempit sana sini, isap dadah, bergaduh... KOrang tak Takut MatI ke? Kalau pahala banyak, dah cukup, then no problem la...
Sometimes we enjoy life so much that we forget about death... therefore, attending events such as Korban and funerals can help to remind ourselves that we cannot live forever... so preparation is essential... people say "Life's a journey"... Well, death also is... and where will we end up after the journey depends on how prepared we are...
Well, you know... when I was watching from far how the cows got slaughtered, one thing crossed my mind... WE DIE EASILY... with just a single slice to the neck, blood came pouring from the cows' throat and they were left there to die... if the same thing happened to us, humans... man... It would be brutal...
Our lives are so fragile... even one simple fall can really caused death... and yet, many still gamble their lives doing stupid things!! Merempit sana sini, isap dadah, bergaduh... KOrang tak Takut MatI ke? Kalau pahala banyak, dah cukup, then no problem la...
Sometimes we enjoy life so much that we forget about death... therefore, attending events such as Korban and funerals can help to remind ourselves that we cannot live forever... so preparation is essential... people say "Life's a journey"... Well, death also is... and where will we end up after the journey depends on how prepared we are...
I said to myself I LOVE MTV after watching yesterday's Amplified...
My favorite video was THUNDER by Boys Like Girls...
A couple of months ago, I introduced my Form 4 brother to MTV... Now he's like memorizing almost all of the songs shown... I know he likes The Jonas Brothers and David Archuleta and Simple Plan because he always turns the volume up whenever their videos are shown...
I got the chorus of Katy Perry's Hot N Cold stuck in my head...
and I'm bored like hell...
That's all...
Yeah, my father owns a grocery shop...
And we have all kinds of customers... Grandpa, Grandma, Drug addicts, you name it...
We even have babies coming around our shop...
Baby 1
Baby 3
heh heh... arent they adorable...
And we have all kinds of customers... Grandpa, Grandma, Drug addicts, you name it...
We even have babies coming around our shop...
Baby 1
- I was hanging out outside the shop when I saw a baby girl from far... She was running towards, almost like a penguin... She ran and ran straight into the shop and straight to the canned drinks rack... straight away (she moved so smooth, like she had planned it all before coming) , with her cute tiny finger, she pointed out a can of Coke... I asked, "tengok duit ada berapa?" She opened up her hand and there lay a rusted 1 cent coin... "tak cukup ni dik... adik gi balik, mintak RM6 juta kat mak baru datang sini..." as soon as I finished my sentence, her cute wide eyes became watery... She cried as loud as a baby could cry... I didnt know what to do... "Shh... Shhh.... Allaa lalalala~ Nangis pulak... Okey Okey, u can have it... U won..." I gave her the Coke (the drink not the drug)... Straight away (again, like had it all planned) she smiled... sinisterly... then she threw me the one cent coin and ran out of the shop... "Slick Coke addict!!"
Baby 2
- A mom came to the shop with her baby and as she wandered around, she left the baby at the counter for me to take care of for a while... the baby seemed blur to me as all she did was sit on the counter and stare me with a blur stare... "What are you thinking baby? Are u thinking what I'm thinking? Pinky and the Brain Brain Brai... kenapa basah ni? Baby kencing ke? Makcikkk... Baby kencing...." the counter was fully wet... and of course I'm the one who had wipe it out... all the memos, bills, and buku hutang, WET... "Makcik datang kedai ni pun sebab nak beli Pampers la... Hahaha" said the mom...
Baby 3
- I was listening to Paramore at the counter when suddenly a baby girl came running and yelling into the shop "Aaaaa!!!" and threw everything on the racks to the floor and then ran away... All I could do was ask... "What was that all about?"
- A baby girl came to the shop alone with a long list of goods - bawang merah 1kg, garam 1, modes carefree, ikan kering etc... So, as she waited at the counter and staring at the sweets, I went to get all of the goods listed... after I finished, I asked, "duit?" The baby opened up her hads... Empty... She checked her pockets... Empty... Yes... She had lost the money on her way here... (duit RM50... tak jumpa, mak dia bagi duit baru...) and not to mention, she had to make two trips from her house to the shop just to take all of the items back... if her brother didnt came, it would be about five trips I think...
heh heh... arent they adorable...
End of semester at last!
Going back to Terengganu tomorrow nite~
Since I got no Internet back home,
I guess I wont be updating my blog for a while...
anyway, finally I'll be able to relax, play PS2 and watch tv...
ahh... the comfort of home...
Will miss u guys~
Going back to Terengganu tomorrow nite~
Since I got no Internet back home,
I guess I wont be updating my blog for a while...
anyway, finally I'll be able to relax, play PS2 and watch tv...
ahh... the comfort of home...
Will miss u guys~
**If I'm a real ninja, I would split myself into two and spend time with both my girl and my housemates at the same time... but I'm not a ninja, so, housemates, sorry and bare with me...
Some of my TESLian friends call me Ninja... Well, it started in Lendu when I was doing my pre-degree... I was a quite person back then (and still am, but improving bit by bit)... Not much of a talker... and I made no sound, even while walking...
So, one day, a friend of mine was doing his assignment in his room using a laptop... I saw his door was open, so I went in and without saying a word I just stare at the monitor trying to figure out what he was doing (instead of just asking him...) Probably sensing my aura, he turned his head to the back to check if someone's there... Of course, he was kinda shocked to see me there, right behind him, just staring without saying a single word , like a psycho Gothic murdering guy... (If I was him, I would be freaking out myself...) As soon as he was able to confirm that I was not a ghost and I meant no harm, we had a little chat (very little...) and then he continued his work with me still standing behind him... staring... staring... then I got bored and without a single word, I just walked out of the room...
Another thing that I always do in Lendu was sneaking out of people's back while they're walking... As I walk, I would make no sound (not intentionally, probably the shoes I wore) and people would suddenly noticing me walking behind them when I got too close with them... Totally freaked them out... Yes, kinda creepy but it was fun sometimes...
So, that's where the name Ninja came from...
Ridhwan said I could really kill someone if I want to...
but trust me, there is no need to fear...
I wont even hurt a fly
Sekarang dah tak berapa ninja dah... Dah bising sikit ;p
But it would be cool if I was a real ninja... Camouflages, being undetectable and stuff... Walk on water... Hmmm... can a person really walk on water? I saw Chris Angel walked on water once but I would call it a bluff... Well, Naruto can... I recall watching this documentary on National Geoghraphic where it showed about masters of self-defense and how extraordinary they are... one grandmaster (an old one) was able to walk on a piece of paper held in mid-air... very slowly though... if its just one of those magic shows, I would not have believe it, but we are talking National Geoghraphic here! It would most probably be true... It somehow proved that using all those auras and inner spirit balancing act, a person can actually walk on water...
Some of my TESLian friends call me Ninja... Well, it started in Lendu when I was doing my pre-degree... I was a quite person back then (and still am, but improving bit by bit)... Not much of a talker... and I made no sound, even while walking...
So, one day, a friend of mine was doing his assignment in his room using a laptop... I saw his door was open, so I went in and without saying a word I just stare at the monitor trying to figure out what he was doing (instead of just asking him...) Probably sensing my aura, he turned his head to the back to check if someone's there... Of course, he was kinda shocked to see me there, right behind him, just staring without saying a single word , like a psycho Gothic murdering guy... (If I was him, I would be freaking out myself...) As soon as he was able to confirm that I was not a ghost and I meant no harm, we had a little chat (very little...) and then he continued his work with me still standing behind him... staring... staring... then I got bored and without a single word, I just walked out of the room...
Another thing that I always do in Lendu was sneaking out of people's back while they're walking... As I walk, I would make no sound (not intentionally, probably the shoes I wore) and people would suddenly noticing me walking behind them when I got too close with them... Totally freaked them out... Yes, kinda creepy but it was fun sometimes...
So, that's where the name Ninja came from...
Ridhwan said I could really kill someone if I want to...
but trust me, there is no need to fear...
I wont even hurt a fly
Sekarang dah tak berapa ninja dah... Dah bising sikit ;p
But it would be cool if I was a real ninja... Camouflages, being undetectable and stuff... Walk on water... Hmmm... can a person really walk on water? I saw Chris Angel walked on water once but I would call it a bluff... Well, Naruto can... I recall watching this documentary on National Geoghraphic where it showed about masters of self-defense and how extraordinary they are... one grandmaster (an old one) was able to walk on a piece of paper held in mid-air... very slowly though... if its just one of those magic shows, I would not have believe it, but we are talking National Geoghraphic here! It would most probably be true... It somehow proved that using all those auras and inner spirit balancing act, a person can actually walk on water...
This morning, my girl and I was eating at Hang Kasturi cafe (in front of Bank Rakyat... Roti canai dia sedap)... Just as we were about to leave, there was this round bellied, middle-aged man who suddenly came to our table and said, "Dik, nak Dua Puluh ringgit..."
Senang2 je dia nak mintak RM20... Aku geleng, cakap takde duit, dia pun pergi meja lain buat benda yang sama jugak... Semua orang dia mintak tapi takde orang bagi... (orang bodoh je yang akan bagi... Badan bulat, sihat sejahtera)
Anyway, it reminded me of Pak Cik Batu Pahat (that's what my girl calls him)... A couple of weeks back, my girl and I were about to cross the main road when suddenly a middle-aged man approached us from behind...
Pakcik: Assalammualaikum...
Aku: Waalaikummussalam...
Pakcik: Nak, boleh tolong pakcik tak? Orang Melayu kan? Pakcik pun orang Melayu, Islam... Motorsikal pakcik rosak, nak balik Batu Pahat. Boleh pinjam RM20 ringgit tak?
Aku: Urmm... Saya pun takde duit la pakcik...
Pakcik: Sikit pun boleh nak... Nak beli tiket bas... Berapa-berapa pun boleh...
Aku: RM2 boleh?
Pakcik: Haa... Bolehlah...
*aku ambil wallet, tapi penuh berhati-hati takut kena rampas...
Aku: Nah...
Pakcik: Terima kasih ye nak... Err, bas nak pergi stesen bas berhenti kat sini ya?
Aku: Bas berhenti kat sana, depan The Store tu...
Pakcik: Owh... Tadi ada sorang budak tu cakap bas berhenti sini... Takpe lah nak...
As soon as the pakcik left, my girl and I felt a sense of guilt...
Girl: Ish, I rasa pakcik tu betul2 susah la... Tapi, kalau tolong... takut kena tipu...
Aku: Ha'a... Rasa kesian la pulak... Tapi...
Girl: Mana motor dia? Dia tinggal ke? Ala... kesiannya...
Sampai hari ini, rasa bersalah tu masih ada... Bukan taknak tolong, tapi rasa prejudis terhadap orang yang meminta duit di tepi jalan tu sangat tebal di dalam hati...
The society today has planted the sense of prejudism whithin our hearts...
I hope that pakcik made it to Batu Pahat...
Senang2 je dia nak mintak RM20... Aku geleng, cakap takde duit, dia pun pergi meja lain buat benda yang sama jugak... Semua orang dia mintak tapi takde orang bagi... (orang bodoh je yang akan bagi... Badan bulat, sihat sejahtera)
Anyway, it reminded me of Pak Cik Batu Pahat (that's what my girl calls him)... A couple of weeks back, my girl and I were about to cross the main road when suddenly a middle-aged man approached us from behind...
Pakcik: Assalammualaikum...
Aku: Waalaikummussalam...
Pakcik: Nak, boleh tolong pakcik tak? Orang Melayu kan? Pakcik pun orang Melayu, Islam... Motorsikal pakcik rosak, nak balik Batu Pahat. Boleh pinjam RM20 ringgit tak?
Aku: Urmm... Saya pun takde duit la pakcik...
Pakcik: Sikit pun boleh nak... Nak beli tiket bas... Berapa-berapa pun boleh...
Aku: RM2 boleh?
Pakcik: Haa... Bolehlah...
*aku ambil wallet, tapi penuh berhati-hati takut kena rampas...
Aku: Nah...
Pakcik: Terima kasih ye nak... Err, bas nak pergi stesen bas berhenti kat sini ya?
Aku: Bas berhenti kat sana, depan The Store tu...
Pakcik: Owh... Tadi ada sorang budak tu cakap bas berhenti sini... Takpe lah nak...
As soon as the pakcik left, my girl and I felt a sense of guilt...
Girl: Ish, I rasa pakcik tu betul2 susah la... Tapi, kalau tolong... takut kena tipu...
Aku: Ha'a... Rasa kesian la pulak... Tapi...
Girl: Mana motor dia? Dia tinggal ke? Ala... kesiannya...
Sampai hari ini, rasa bersalah tu masih ada... Bukan taknak tolong, tapi rasa prejudis terhadap orang yang meminta duit di tepi jalan tu sangat tebal di dalam hati...
The society today has planted the sense of prejudism whithin our hearts...
I hope that pakcik made it to Batu Pahat...
Once, I was reading listening to the radio when I heard a commotion outside my shop... A group of teenagers were gathering around, smoking Gudang Garam cigarettes and chatting with each other... Mat Rempit style...
Manan: Wey Piza... Lame dok napok mung! Mung gi mana?
: Wey Piza... Lama tak nampak kau! Kau pergi mana?
Piza : Ho! Meh sining aku nok citer... Natang unggoh! Aku kene tahang polih mung! 2 hari aku kene lokak...
: Ho! Mari sini aku nak cerita... Binatang betul! Aku kena tahan dengan polis! 2 hari aku kena lokap...
Manan: Hahahah!! Bodo mung nih... Tu la, nok minung air ketung pung biar la nusuk2 sikek...
: Hahahah!! Bodoh kau nih... Tu la, nak minum air ketum pun biar la sorok2 sikit...
Piza : Dengor la ni bodo... Aku bukang minung air ketung... Aku lepak je denge budok2 skinhead nung... tengoh sedak layang rokok, bRungg! Budok2 tu lari... Aku pun pinga aa... Baru nok ikuk lari, ada orang mari bahang pale aku ngan numbuk... Free2 aku makang tanoh...
: Dengar la ni bodoh... Aku bukan minum air ketum... Aku lepak je dengan budak2 skinhead tu... tengah sedap layan rokok, bRungg! Budak2 tu lari... Aku pun terpinga-pinga la... Baru nak ikut lari, ada orang datang tumbuk kepala aku... Free2 aku makan tanah...
K-ro : Patuk aa lebang muke...
: Patut la lebam muka...
Piza : Ni lebang bukang sebak makang tanoh... Ni sebak kene sepak... sebak nok lari... Abih semua kena akuk masuk lori, gi ator bala...
: Ni lebam bukan sebab makan tanah... Ni sebab kena sepak... sebab nak lari... Habis semua kena masuk lori, pergi hantar balai...
Piza : Sapa bala, semua kene ceramoh... Tapi muka aku tengoh sakik, aku memang dok dengo doh... Aku dengo ye kabo sebak semua kene tahang je... Ade orang kapung komplen budok2 Skinhead ni isak dadoh, isak gang... Dok pasa2 aku sekali kene...
: Sampai balai, semua kena ceramah... Tapi muka aku tengah sakit, aku memang tak dengar dah... Aku dengar dia (polis) bagitau sebab kitorang kena tahan je... Ada orang kampung komplen budak2 Skinhead ni hisap dadah, hisap gam... tak pasal2 aku sekali kena...
Ijan : Padang muka mung...
: Padan muka kau...
*suddenly, Piza got up and unzipped his sweater (it's nice sweater by the way) and pull up his shirt...
Piza : Memang padang muka sunggoh! Ni buoh tangang aku buleh masa dalang lokak...
: Memang padan muka sungguh! Ni buah tangan aku dapat semasa dalam lokap...
*from where I was standing, I could see bruises and a scratch mark (whoa... did those cops scratched him or something? I started having images of a cat fight)
Piza : Dalang lokak, same nge aku ada 3 orang nagih dadoh tengoh giang... Memang parok aa aku kena katok... Siak kene gigik lagi! Nasik baik polih dang mari... kalu dok arwoh doh aku...
: Dalam lokap, bersama dengan aku ada 3 orang penagih dadah tengah gian... Memang parah aku kena pukul... Siap kena gigit lagi! Nasib baik polis sempat datang... kalau tak memang dah arwah aku...
Piza : Polih tu ato gi spita... chek2 tengok takdok wak patoh, baluk2, ato semula gi bala... Tido dalang lokak, esok pagi dia wi kuor... urin test negatif... Balik umoh memang aku dok leh bangung ah...
: Polis tu hantar pergi hospital... check2 tengok takde yang patah, balut2, hantar semula pergi balai... Tidur dalam lokap, esok pagi dia bagi keluar... Urin test negatif... Balik rumah memang aku tak boleh bangun langsung lah...
Manan: Bodo aa polih tu... Tau nagih dadoh tu giang, gi wak masok mung sekali dalang tuh bakpe?
: Bodoh la polis tu... Dah tau penagih dadah tu tengah gian, pergi masukkan kau sekali dalam tu buat apa?
Then they all went about talking politics, complaining about the oil price and sharing songs via Bluetooth (they got expensive phones...) I got bored and continue listening to the radio...
Manan: Wey Piza... Lame dok napok mung! Mung gi mana?
: Wey Piza... Lama tak nampak kau! Kau pergi mana?
Piza : Ho! Meh sining aku nok citer... Natang unggoh! Aku kene tahang polih mung! 2 hari aku kene lokak...
: Ho! Mari sini aku nak cerita... Binatang betul! Aku kena tahan dengan polis! 2 hari aku kena lokap...
Manan: Hahahah!! Bodo mung nih... Tu la, nok minung air ketung pung biar la nusuk2 sikek...
: Hahahah!! Bodoh kau nih... Tu la, nak minum air ketum pun biar la sorok2 sikit...
Piza : Dengor la ni bodo... Aku bukang minung air ketung... Aku lepak je denge budok2 skinhead nung... tengoh sedak layang rokok, bRungg! Budok2 tu lari... Aku pun pinga aa... Baru nok ikuk lari, ada orang mari bahang pale aku ngan numbuk... Free2 aku makang tanoh...
: Dengar la ni bodoh... Aku bukan minum air ketum... Aku lepak je dengan budak2 skinhead tu... tengah sedap layan rokok, bRungg! Budak2 tu lari... Aku pun terpinga-pinga la... Baru nak ikut lari, ada orang datang tumbuk kepala aku... Free2 aku makan tanah...
K-ro : Patuk aa lebang muke...
: Patut la lebam muka...
Piza : Ni lebang bukang sebak makang tanoh... Ni sebak kene sepak... sebak nok lari... Abih semua kena akuk masuk lori, gi ator bala...
: Ni lebam bukan sebab makan tanah... Ni sebab kena sepak... sebab nak lari... Habis semua kena masuk lori, pergi hantar balai...
Piza : Sapa bala, semua kene ceramoh... Tapi muka aku tengoh sakik, aku memang dok dengo doh... Aku dengo ye kabo sebak semua kene tahang je... Ade orang kapung komplen budok2 Skinhead ni isak dadoh, isak gang... Dok pasa2 aku sekali kene...
: Sampai balai, semua kena ceramah... Tapi muka aku tengah sakit, aku memang tak dengar dah... Aku dengar dia (polis) bagitau sebab kitorang kena tahan je... Ada orang kampung komplen budak2 Skinhead ni hisap dadah, hisap gam... tak pasal2 aku sekali kena...
Ijan : Padang muka mung...
: Padan muka kau...
*suddenly, Piza got up and unzipped his sweater (it's nice sweater by the way) and pull up his shirt...
Piza : Memang padang muka sunggoh! Ni buoh tangang aku buleh masa dalang lokak...
: Memang padan muka sungguh! Ni buah tangan aku dapat semasa dalam lokap...
*from where I was standing, I could see bruises and a scratch mark (whoa... did those cops scratched him or something? I started having images of a cat fight)
Piza : Dalang lokak, same nge aku ada 3 orang nagih dadoh tengoh giang... Memang parok aa aku kena katok... Siak kene gigik lagi! Nasik baik polih dang mari... kalu dok arwoh doh aku...
: Dalam lokap, bersama dengan aku ada 3 orang penagih dadah tengah gian... Memang parah aku kena pukul... Siap kena gigit lagi! Nasib baik polis sempat datang... kalau tak memang dah arwah aku...
Piza : Polih tu ato gi spita... chek2 tengok takdok wak patoh, baluk2, ato semula gi bala... Tido dalang lokak, esok pagi dia wi kuor... urin test negatif... Balik umoh memang aku dok leh bangung ah...
: Polis tu hantar pergi hospital... check2 tengok takde yang patah, balut2, hantar semula pergi balai... Tidur dalam lokap, esok pagi dia bagi keluar... Urin test negatif... Balik rumah memang aku tak boleh bangun langsung lah...
Manan: Bodo aa polih tu... Tau nagih dadoh tu giang, gi wak masok mung sekali dalang tuh bakpe?
: Bodoh la polis tu... Dah tau penagih dadah tu tengah gian, pergi masukkan kau sekali dalam tu buat apa?
Then they all went about talking politics, complaining about the oil price and sharing songs via Bluetooth (they got expensive phones...) I got bored and continue listening to the radio...

Semalam mimpi jadi Kamen Rider...
Ntah camne boleh mimpi yang pelik2 ni...
Tapi best jugak...
Naik motor besar yang boleh lompat bangunan tinggi...
Ntah camne boleh mimpi yang pelik2 ni...
Tapi best jugak...
Naik motor besar yang boleh lompat bangunan tinggi...
*amaran - tidak dinasihatkan untuk membaca pada waktu malam... khususnya bagi yang lemah semangat*
Malam itu, kedinginan malam terasa hingga ke tulang, meremang bulu romaku dibuatnya... Angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa namun ia tidak sedikit pun menenangkan hatiku bahkan hanya menambahkan lagi kegelisahan... Semuanya kerana tatkala ini, kawanku Taza sedang menceritakan satu cerita seram...
Kelas Form 5 Maaruf ini sememangnya terletak di kedudukan yang kurang strategik untuk diadakan kelas tambahan waktu malam kerana ia berada di hujung kawasan sekolah dan tiada kelas lain yang berjiran disebelahnya...
Sedang Cikgu Azwan menerangkan jalan kerja bagi soalan nombor 5 kertas ujian Matematik Tambahan, Taza yang duduk di meja hadapanku memusingkan badannya lalu menarik perhatian aku, Ayem (yang duduk sebelah Taza) dan Pulloh (yang duduk sebelah aku) untuk mendengar kisah benarnya...
Taza: Weh, Mallang aku kene kaca, mung... Memang teruk ah aku kene (Weh, semalam aku kacau dohh... Memang teruk la aku kena...)
Ayem: Haha~ Bodo mung... Mung ingak mung ni come sangak ke orang nok kaca? (Haha~ Bodoh la kau... Kau ingat kau ni comel sangat ke sampai orang nak kacau?)
Taza: Natang nih... Dengo a dulu... Aku kene kaca di atu la bengong... (Binatang kau... Dengar la dulu... Aku kena kacau hantu la bangang...)
Pulloh: Huihhh... Dok ayoh citer a bodo... Malang malang ni... Doh la aku balik sorang kekgi... (Huihh... tak payah cerita la bodoh... malam malam ni... DAh la aku balik sorang2 japgi...)
Ayem: Huk aloh... Rumoh mung dekak tu je eh... Nakuk apah! (Huk aloh... Rumah kau kan dekat je... Penakut nak mampus!)
Taza: Mallang aku lepak2 kak tepi jalang Ketey Lime nu ngang Epu nge Eri... Patuh Eri cerite ye kene kaca d atu mung... Tapi aku macang dok caye ahh... Aku ambik kayu se, patuh aku sepak kayu tuh sambil royak "Kalu aku jupe atu tu aku sepak cam kayu ni!" (Semalam aku lepak2 kat tepi jalan Kerteh Lima tu dengan Epu dan Eri... Selepas itu, Eri cerita yang dia kena kacau d hantu... Tapi aku macam tak percaya la... Aku ambil satu kayu, dan aku sepak sambil cakap "Kalau aku jumpa hantu tu aku sepak macam kayu ni!")
Ayem: Bengong mung! Cakak beso... Patuk a kene kaca... (Bangang kau ni! Cakap besar... Patut la kena kacau...)
*tatkala ini, bulu romaku sudah meremang kerana angin bertiup di luar kelas lalu menggoyangkan pokok pokok besar disekeliling...
Taza: Lepah tu dalang puko due, aku pung balik ah naik muto... Masuk sippang nok masuk umoh aku, tiba2 aku rase berak muto aku... Macang ada orang tarik kot belakang... patuh muto aku dok leh gerok lasung! Belakang dia terakak diri! (Selepas tu, dalam pukul dua, aku pun balik la naik motor... Masuk je simpang ke rumah aku, tiba2 aku rasa motor aku berat... Macam ada orang tarik ikut belakang... Lepas tu, motor aku tak bergerak langsung! Belakang dia terangkat sendiri!)
*angin mula masuk ke dalam kelas menambah kesejukkan...
Taza: Aku pung pulah minyok ho! Berasak taya belakang aku tapi muto dok gerok lasung... paling babi, aku rasa ade budak kecik peluk aku dari belakang! (Aku pun pulas minyak! Berasap tayar belakang aku tapi motor tetap tidak bergerak langsung... Paling babi, aku rasa ada budak kecik peluk aku dari belakang!)
Pulloh:... *ternganga mulut*
Taza: Aku pung tepih ah! tapi takdok bende pung belakang aku! Aku pulah pulah pulah... brummm!! Baru la gerok balik muto aku... aku pung pecuk macang kene kejo lembu... (Aku pun tepis la! Tapi takde apa pun kat belakang aku! Aku pulas, pulas, pulas... brummm!! Baru la bergerak motor aku... aku pun pecut macam kena kejar lembu...)
Taza: Tapi sapa je k'arangan umoh o', aku napok bowoh umoh aku ade lembaga beso ngoh ngamuk! Abih capok barang bowoh tu! Muto abang aku pung capok gok (Tapi sampai je di perkarangan rumah, aku nampak kat bawah rumah aku ada lembaga besar tengah mengamuk! Habis tercampak barang2 kat bawah tu! Motor abang aku pun tercampak jugak)
Taza: Aku pung lari aa nok masuk umoh... Pitu pulok kuci! Memang babi ah! Aku tumbuk2 pitu macang orang gile... Nasik baik mok aku buke (Aku pun lari la nak masuk rumah... Pintu pulak terkunci! Memang babi ah! Aku tumbuk2 pintu macam orang gila... Nasib baik mak aku buka)
*terasa macam ada orang mengendap kat luar...
Taza: Mok aku tanye aku wak dekk je... Aku teruh masuk bilik... Pijok pale abang aku pung aku wak dekk je... bebe abang aku... (Mak aku tanya aku buat tak tau je... Aku terus masuk bilik... terpijak kepala abang aku pun aku buat tak tahu... Membebel abang aku...)
Taza: Bile semua senyak balik... Natang tu mari pulok... dia cako dinding, main nopak2 atah atak... Memang babi ah! Aku dok tahang doh, gi dapur ambik parang... Aku tubik umoh tepik "Mung nok mende ngang aku hah!? Mari ah natang!!" ( Bila semua senyap balik... Binatang tu datang balik...dia cakar dinding, main lompat2 atas atap... Memang babi ah! Aku dah tak tahan, pergi dapur ambil parang... Aku keluar rumah menjerit "Kau nak apa dengan aku hah!? Mari la binatang!!")
Taza: Tiba2 senyak... Mok aku tubik patuh tanye bakpe... Aku pung citer ah, dua2 dok tido sapa pagi... (Tiba2 senyap... Mak aku keluar dan tanya aku kenapa... Aku pun cerita la... Dua2 tak tido sampai pagi...)
Ayem: Babi ah mung... seriya aku! (Babi kau... seriau aku!)
Taza: Mung rasa meremang ok bulu rome? (Kau rasa meremang tak bulu roma?)
*semua mengangguk*
Taza: Memang la... tu tanda citer tu betol... (Memang la... tu tanda cerita tu betu...)
Selepas itu, kami semua diam seakan-akan memberi perhatian terhadap bebelan cikgu Azwan... sebenarnya dalam fikiran kami, bermain-main bayangan cerita Taza itu... Semua tidak berani menoleh ke tingkap yang sememangnya terletak di sebelah sahaja... Habis je kelas, kami berempat cepat2 kemas meja dan lari cam orang tiada pedoman kerana tidak mahu ditinggal bersendirian di dalam kelas...
*betul atau tidak cerita si Taza itu, tidak dapat dipastikan, namun harap2 dijadikan pedoman... pertahanan terbaik bukanlah parang, namun ayat2 suci al-Quran... serta jaga lah tata tutur anda, lebih2 lagi apabila berada di kawasan keras... Terima kasih...*
Kelas Form 5 Maaruf ini sememangnya terletak di kedudukan yang kurang strategik untuk diadakan kelas tambahan waktu malam kerana ia berada di hujung kawasan sekolah dan tiada kelas lain yang berjiran disebelahnya...
Sedang Cikgu Azwan menerangkan jalan kerja bagi soalan nombor 5 kertas ujian Matematik Tambahan, Taza yang duduk di meja hadapanku memusingkan badannya lalu menarik perhatian aku, Ayem (yang duduk sebelah Taza) dan Pulloh (yang duduk sebelah aku) untuk mendengar kisah benarnya...
Taza: Weh, Mallang aku kene kaca, mung... Memang teruk ah aku kene (Weh, semalam aku kacau dohh... Memang teruk la aku kena...)
Ayem: Haha~ Bodo mung... Mung ingak mung ni come sangak ke orang nok kaca? (Haha~ Bodoh la kau... Kau ingat kau ni comel sangat ke sampai orang nak kacau?)
Taza: Natang nih... Dengo a dulu... Aku kene kaca di atu la bengong... (Binatang kau... Dengar la dulu... Aku kena kacau hantu la bangang...)
Pulloh: Huihhh... Dok ayoh citer a bodo... Malang malang ni... Doh la aku balik sorang kekgi... (Huihh... tak payah cerita la bodoh... malam malam ni... DAh la aku balik sorang2 japgi...)
Ayem: Huk aloh... Rumoh mung dekak tu je eh... Nakuk apah! (Huk aloh... Rumah kau kan dekat je... Penakut nak mampus!)
Taza: Mallang aku lepak2 kak tepi jalang Ketey Lime nu ngang Epu nge Eri... Patuh Eri cerite ye kene kaca d atu mung... Tapi aku macang dok caye ahh... Aku ambik kayu se, patuh aku sepak kayu tuh sambil royak "Kalu aku jupe atu tu aku sepak cam kayu ni!" (Semalam aku lepak2 kat tepi jalan Kerteh Lima tu dengan Epu dan Eri... Selepas itu, Eri cerita yang dia kena kacau d hantu... Tapi aku macam tak percaya la... Aku ambil satu kayu, dan aku sepak sambil cakap "Kalau aku jumpa hantu tu aku sepak macam kayu ni!")
Ayem: Bengong mung! Cakak beso... Patuk a kene kaca... (Bangang kau ni! Cakap besar... Patut la kena kacau...)
*tatkala ini, bulu romaku sudah meremang kerana angin bertiup di luar kelas lalu menggoyangkan pokok pokok besar disekeliling...
Taza: Lepah tu dalang puko due, aku pung balik ah naik muto... Masuk sippang nok masuk umoh aku, tiba2 aku rase berak muto aku... Macang ada orang tarik kot belakang... patuh muto aku dok leh gerok lasung! Belakang dia terakak diri! (Selepas tu, dalam pukul dua, aku pun balik la naik motor... Masuk je simpang ke rumah aku, tiba2 aku rasa motor aku berat... Macam ada orang tarik ikut belakang... Lepas tu, motor aku tak bergerak langsung! Belakang dia terangkat sendiri!)
*angin mula masuk ke dalam kelas menambah kesejukkan...
Taza: Aku pung pulah minyok ho! Berasak taya belakang aku tapi muto dok gerok lasung... paling babi, aku rasa ade budak kecik peluk aku dari belakang! (Aku pun pulas minyak! Berasap tayar belakang aku tapi motor tetap tidak bergerak langsung... Paling babi, aku rasa ada budak kecik peluk aku dari belakang!)
Pulloh:... *ternganga mulut*
Taza: Aku pung tepih ah! tapi takdok bende pung belakang aku! Aku pulah pulah pulah... brummm!! Baru la gerok balik muto aku... aku pung pecuk macang kene kejo lembu... (Aku pun tepis la! Tapi takde apa pun kat belakang aku! Aku pulas, pulas, pulas... brummm!! Baru la bergerak motor aku... aku pun pecut macam kena kejar lembu...)
Taza: Tapi sapa je k'arangan umoh o', aku napok bowoh umoh aku ade lembaga beso ngoh ngamuk! Abih capok barang bowoh tu! Muto abang aku pung capok gok (Tapi sampai je di perkarangan rumah, aku nampak kat bawah rumah aku ada lembaga besar tengah mengamuk! Habis tercampak barang2 kat bawah tu! Motor abang aku pun tercampak jugak)
Taza: Aku pung lari aa nok masuk umoh... Pitu pulok kuci! Memang babi ah! Aku tumbuk2 pitu macang orang gile... Nasik baik mok aku buke (Aku pun lari la nak masuk rumah... Pintu pulak terkunci! Memang babi ah! Aku tumbuk2 pintu macam orang gila... Nasib baik mak aku buka)
*terasa macam ada orang mengendap kat luar...
Taza: Mok aku tanye aku wak dekk je... Aku teruh masuk bilik... Pijok pale abang aku pung aku wak dekk je... bebe abang aku... (Mak aku tanya aku buat tak tau je... Aku terus masuk bilik... terpijak kepala abang aku pun aku buat tak tahu... Membebel abang aku...)
Taza: Bile semua senyak balik... Natang tu mari pulok... dia cako dinding, main nopak2 atah atak... Memang babi ah! Aku dok tahang doh, gi dapur ambik parang... Aku tubik umoh tepik "Mung nok mende ngang aku hah!? Mari ah natang!!" ( Bila semua senyap balik... Binatang tu datang balik...dia cakar dinding, main lompat2 atas atap... Memang babi ah! Aku dah tak tahan, pergi dapur ambil parang... Aku keluar rumah menjerit "Kau nak apa dengan aku hah!? Mari la binatang!!")
Taza: Tiba2 senyak... Mok aku tubik patuh tanye bakpe... Aku pung citer ah, dua2 dok tido sapa pagi... (Tiba2 senyap... Mak aku keluar dan tanya aku kenapa... Aku pun cerita la... Dua2 tak tido sampai pagi...)
Ayem: Babi ah mung... seriya aku! (Babi kau... seriau aku!)
Taza: Mung rasa meremang ok bulu rome? (Kau rasa meremang tak bulu roma?)
*semua mengangguk*
Taza: Memang la... tu tanda citer tu betol... (Memang la... tu tanda cerita tu betu...)
Selepas itu, kami semua diam seakan-akan memberi perhatian terhadap bebelan cikgu Azwan... sebenarnya dalam fikiran kami, bermain-main bayangan cerita Taza itu... Semua tidak berani menoleh ke tingkap yang sememangnya terletak di sebelah sahaja... Habis je kelas, kami berempat cepat2 kemas meja dan lari cam orang tiada pedoman kerana tidak mahu ditinggal bersendirian di dalam kelas...
*betul atau tidak cerita si Taza itu, tidak dapat dipastikan, namun harap2 dijadikan pedoman... pertahanan terbaik bukanlah parang, namun ayat2 suci al-Quran... serta jaga lah tata tutur anda, lebih2 lagi apabila berada di kawasan keras... Terima kasih...*
By reading this, I've wasted about 10 seconds of your life...
by the way, makin ramai plak baca blog aku yang tak seberapa ni...
segan la pulak~
by the way, makin ramai plak baca blog aku yang tak seberapa ni...
segan la pulak~
A few girls that I'm close with told me...
"it's easy to make a girl fall for you, just take her out and show what a gentleman you are... simple things such as sending her to her door, being courteous and buying her flowers will definitely give a good impression of you..."

"even if you're not cute, tall and handsome, if you're good with your words, and a man of your words, you'll conquer our hearts..."
"for girls, first impressions are essential. So, Pamie, you must look good and be nice and cool and whatever all the time... coz you'll never know that a girl might be noticing you..."
"we girls hate waiting... So, if you want us, show some god damn effort and hurry the fuck up... Impress us!"
Again, those are not something I just crap... but I quote them...

"even if you're not cute, tall and handsome, if you're good with your words, and a man of your words, you'll conquer our hearts..."
"for girls, first impressions are essential. So, Pamie, you must look good and be nice and cool and whatever all the time... coz you'll never know that a girl might be noticing you..."
"we girls hate waiting... So, if you want us, show some god damn effort and hurry the fuck up... Impress us!"
Again, those are not something I just crap... but I quote them...
Here's one of my entry for my Literature Journal which I've submited to Madam Naga this morning...
It is correlated with the novel "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole"...
"Looking back through my past naive teenagers years, sometimes I wonder why I did all of those stupid things that only teenagers would make. I feel embarrass now when I suddenly realize that all that had been done then was pointless and irrational. Nevertheless, I never regret all of the things that I did because most of them were extremely fun and some of them taught me to be wiser and more matured. I remember how I crashed to a static lorry because I thought I was psychic and able to ride a bicycle with my eyes closed. It won me a trip to the clinic, a few stitches and hours of mom’s nagging. Not to mention my humiliating teenager love life. I got interested with this cute looking girl and wrote her a letter which did not resemble a love letter at all. In the letter I drew a self portrait of myself (which did not resemble myself at all because I sucked in drawing then) waving at her with a dialogue balloon saying, “If you can guess who am I, then we would be together forever”."
Yati read the entire journal and said...
"I want to publish your book"
...I am the king of crap...

I was hanging out at my balcony...
Looking at the dark clouds...
thinking about how would it be if suddenly a giant Godzilla comes to Malacca...
Mesti kesian,
Takde tempat menyorok
Bangunan kat Melaka ni kecik2 semua, tak macam New York...
Looking at the dark clouds...
thinking about how would it be if suddenly a giant Godzilla comes to Malacca...
Mesti kesian,
Takde tempat menyorok
Bangunan kat Melaka ni kecik2 semua, tak macam New York...
Hari ni dah masuk hari ke empat aku puasa enam...
Inilah juga first time dalam hidup aku,
aku puasa sunat... (nama je anak imam masjid)
Berpuasa sunat ni sememangnya lagi banyak dugaan daripada berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan...
Ye la, orang lain bukan main melantak, menibai semua jenis makanan,
aku terpaksa tahan je la kemahuan serta keinginan untuk makan ini...
Lagi tak tahan bila ada orang offer makanan...
Lebih2 lagi makanan tersebut adalah karipap sedap kat cafe level 4 campus...
meleleh air liur...
masa tak puasa takde pulak yang offer kan? kan?
2 hari lagi!
berjuang! berjuang!
*lepas ni aku nak cuba puasa sunat hari jumaat dan isnin plak
You know...
Instead of typing this blog, I should be doing my literature journal (assignment :p )
Oh, well... you know what they say
procrastiNATION is the biggest NatioN of the world...
Instead of typing this blog, I should be doing my literature journal (assignment :p )
Oh, well... you know what they say
procrastiNATION is the biggest NatioN of the world...
It's been a hectic week and damn next week is gonna be more hectic...
This Morning, my TESLian friends and I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Temu (SKPT) to do some activity (English Day) with the school kids...
We've done this before last year and it was HELL... well, for most of us...
We all wore black and it was like a symbol of death and mourning for me...
The moment we entered the school gate, we were greeted by the teachers who were all wearing green Batiks... and of course the school kids who were all gathering in lines in the parking lot...
at first, surprisingly the kids seemed so quite... so controllable... I almost had second thoughts that today, it might be better than the last time...
but then, after Alvin as the project leader gave his speech (it was a bad speech by the way... maybe he's not prepare), the kids shown their true faces...
throwing stones and each other, talking, giggling, hitting each others' head... Wow, it would be total chaos...
After a series of speeches from the teachers, Alvin and Dr. Mizan, all the kids went to their classes and that's where the chaos started...
I were assigned to administered an hour test to the class of 6 Bestari...
I thought they would gave me a classroom with all the tables and chairs have already be arranged for the test, so it would be easier for me to control the students...
Instead the students were placed in a hall and I would'nt be handling only 6 Bestari... but also 6 Bijak and 6 Budiman... with Nasuha... (the name of the classes did not at all reflected the students attitude)
hell, the moment I stepped foot into the hall, the students were all running around, bashing each others head, screaming and laughing like I was not even there...
"They gave us the hall... shit, how're we gonna set up the test? there's no chairs and... tables!", said Nasuha with a panic kinda face...
It was chaos (as predicted) as Nasuha madly screamed at those kids a couple of times but I wont describe the situation in detail coz I'm not in a mood to type and it will be a waste of your time reading me complaining about me not being able to control the situation...
But I do wanna share this...
A kid kept calling me "abang, abang, tolong saya bang... susah la..."
so I helped him a bit and he is kinda smart... He knows about all the past tense, present tense and can translate English sentences correctly...
then, I saw him not writing his full name...
Me: Tulis nama penuh eh...
Kid: Ha?
Me: Tulis nama penuh ni...
Kid: Ni dah tulis...
Me: Tulis la nama ayah sekali...
Kid: Tak payah... ayah dah takde... tak payah tulis pun takpe... (he said it with a straight face) tak yah tulis ehh...
I lost my words... Dunno how to react... Poor kid...
It made me ponder...
Looking at the faces of those kids, the laughter, the giggling... there might be some pain hidden inside them... or maybe they're not mature yet to know what real pain is...
anyway, the English Day went fine... tests administered, the treasure hunt went well, closing ceremony was hectic but it went well also (dah malas nak taip), the kids seemed to have fun despite of us being exhausted and not to mention the amount of sweat we shed upon our body...
This Morning, my TESLian friends and I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Temu (SKPT) to do some activity (English Day) with the school kids...
We've done this before last year and it was HELL... well, for most of us...
We all wore black and it was like a symbol of death and mourning for me...
The moment we entered the school gate, we were greeted by the teachers who were all wearing green Batiks... and of course the school kids who were all gathering in lines in the parking lot...
at first, surprisingly the kids seemed so quite... so controllable... I almost had second thoughts that today, it might be better than the last time...
but then, after Alvin as the project leader gave his speech (it was a bad speech by the way... maybe he's not prepare), the kids shown their true faces...
throwing stones and each other, talking, giggling, hitting each others' head... Wow, it would be total chaos...
After a series of speeches from the teachers, Alvin and Dr. Mizan, all the kids went to their classes and that's where the chaos started...
I were assigned to administered an hour test to the class of 6 Bestari...
I thought they would gave me a classroom with all the tables and chairs have already be arranged for the test, so it would be easier for me to control the students...
Instead the students were placed in a hall and I would'nt be handling only 6 Bestari... but also 6 Bijak and 6 Budiman... with Nasuha... (the name of the classes did not at all reflected the students attitude)
hell, the moment I stepped foot into the hall, the students were all running around, bashing each others head, screaming and laughing like I was not even there...
"They gave us the hall... shit, how're we gonna set up the test? there's no chairs and... tables!", said Nasuha with a panic kinda face...
It was chaos (as predicted) as Nasuha madly screamed at those kids a couple of times but I wont describe the situation in detail coz I'm not in a mood to type and it will be a waste of your time reading me complaining about me not being able to control the situation...
But I do wanna share this...
A kid kept calling me "abang, abang, tolong saya bang... susah la..."
so I helped him a bit and he is kinda smart... He knows about all the past tense, present tense and can translate English sentences correctly...
then, I saw him not writing his full name...
Me: Tulis nama penuh eh...
Kid: Ha?
Me: Tulis nama penuh ni...
Kid: Ni dah tulis...
Me: Tulis la nama ayah sekali...
Kid: Tak payah... ayah dah takde... tak payah tulis pun takpe... (he said it with a straight face) tak yah tulis ehh...
I lost my words... Dunno how to react... Poor kid...
It made me ponder...
Looking at the faces of those kids, the laughter, the giggling... there might be some pain hidden inside them... or maybe they're not mature yet to know what real pain is...
anyway, the English Day went fine... tests administered, the treasure hunt went well, closing ceremony was hectic but it went well also (dah malas nak taip), the kids seemed to have fun despite of us being exhausted and not to mention the amount of sweat we shed upon our body...
Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear. That tips with silver all these fruit tree tops~
Fruit tree trops!
Fruit tee tops!
Damn, This is worse than tongue twister
Never occurred to me that I would be acting as Romeo in a play~ (Hoishh!) and guess who's playing Juliet? my cute girlfriend... no wonder I got that part... Actually Syed was supposed to act that part, but demam la pulak... Demam apa ntah, demam cikunya? Cikupunya? Sounds something like that la... So, takde orang lain lagi, bagi aku la...
but I'm not acting in every scene of the play like I did last semester in Adam's Wish
I was the lead character :p
Muahhahah I ruled the stage
But Cis (pardon the rude word), Dr Mizan tak sempat tengok...
Well, biasa la... orang penting... kena la datang lewat sikit...

Now, I'm just an extra for my juniors' drama staging entitled Le Choix (Choices)... One scene only... My girl wrote the script, helped by Yatie, Ridhwan and me of course... Stressed the hell out of her (she finished the first draft of the script, but her dad formatted her laptop... First draft, GONE... weeks of effort, and sleepless nites, GONE... we went to Starbucks, I helped her do a new script, Yatie and Ridhwan helped a bit... finished the script the next day)
So, Be sure to come and watch it on the 18th October, 8pm...
People said I got talent in acting drama...
"Tengok Ninja, baca skrip sekali dah dapat feel"
"You got the expression!"
"I think acting is ur calling"
Urmm... mana ada... aku buat biasa je kot...
Baca ayat Romeo ni pun dah berterabur...
Sial kau Shakespeare, nak buat ayat bunga2 pun, agak-agak la sikit!!
Today got oral test for Mandarin...
once upon a time, When I was in form 3, tengah aku sorang2 jaga kedai, ada sorang mat rempit datang...
tapi sebelum masuk dalam kedai dia sempat wheelie dan weykang dua tiga kali... mengganggu konsentrasi aku baca kreko...
dia masuk beli rokok Dunhill 20 sekotak (masa tu rokok murah lagi...)
lepas menyalakan rokok tersebut, aku ingat dia nak blah...
tiba2 dia amek satu kerusi (tanpa meminta kebenaran aku plak tu...) lalu duduk tepi aku...
mengganggu konsentrasi aku baca kreko...
then, a conversation between me and the mat rempit yang aku panggil Razak (bukan nama sebenar...)......(aku panggil dia Pok Jak sebenarnya...)...(Pok Jak pun bukan nama sebenar jugak) took place...
Razak: Rajing mung blajo (rajin kau belajar)
Aku: Hmm... (Hmm...)
Razak: Blajo tingkatang brape oh? (kau form braper skrg?)
Aku: Tige... (form three)
Razak: Tige mak'ruh? (Tiga Maaruf?)
*kelas Maaruf tu kelas paling depan kat sekolah aku
Aku: Yup... (betul...)
Razak: Pangda aa mung. Baguh ah... blajo sungguh eh, jangang jadi macang aku. Aku dulu pangda pe mu gok. Tige mak'ruh gok dullu neh~ Star studeng. Tapi stak tingkatang tige aku maing puang, isak rokok. Humpph, ha'co. Kawang2 aku aa bengong. Ajo aku natang2 nih. (Kau ni pandai la. Bagus la... belajar bersungguh-sungguh ya, jangan jadi macam aku. Aku dulu pandai macam kau jugak. Tiga Maaruf ni~ Star student. Tapi start tingkatan tiga aku main perempuan, hisap rokok. Humpph, hancur. Kawan2 aku la bangang. Ajar aku benda2 ni)
I just look at him and smile and then read kreko again...
Razak: Mung masa skoloh ni, blajo ah sungguh. Tapi dok leh blajo sokmo. Maing etek. Mase blajo ni lah mung nok enjoy. Mase skoloh, mung maing sungguh2. Balik dumoh baru blajo. Siyes mung, aku kalu buleh skoloh smula memang aku skoloh ah. Mase skoloh ah mase paling beh dalang idup aku... Nyesa aku maing dulu. Dok dang nok abih kene buang sebak peranga pe setang. (Kau masa sekolah ni, belajar la sungguh-sungguh. Tapi tak boleh asyik belajr je. Main main la juga. Masa study ni la kau nak enjoy. Masa kat sekolah, kau main sungguh-sungguh. Balik rumah baru belajar. Serius kau, aku kalau aku boleh sekoah semula memang aku sekolah la. Masa sekolah la masa paling best dalam hidup aku... Menyesal aku main main dulu. Tak sempat habis kena buang sebab perangai macam setan)
I was still reading kreko and in the same time wished that Razak would just kill me...
Razak: Dok ape ah. Aku gi dulu eh. Lewak oh nak gi kije eh. (Takpe la. Aku gerak dulu ya. Dah lewat nak pergi kerja.)
Razak: Stak kije nih, memang takdok mase nok maing lah. Sibuk mangjang. Awek pong susoh nok jupe. Mase skoloh dulu 'kang maing lagi repik. Bowok awek keliling kapong. (Start kerja ni, memang takde masa nak main dah. Sibuk memanjang. Girlfriend pun susah nak jumpa. Masa sekolah dulu bukan main lagi merempit. Bawak girlfriend pusing2 kampung.)
Razak keluar lalu menuju ke arah motor RXZ nya. Tapi sebelum start enjin, sempat lagi beliau minum air ketum yang disangkut kat hendal motor. Setelah mengangkat tangan, beliau pun blah, meninggalkan aku yang sedang membaca kreko sambil jaga kedai.
Moral of the story that have been told by Razak; study hard, but at the same time, play hard, but dont play too hard and destroy your life.
thank you...
once upon a time, When I was in form 3, tengah aku sorang2 jaga kedai, ada sorang mat rempit datang...
tapi sebelum masuk dalam kedai dia sempat wheelie dan weykang dua tiga kali... mengganggu konsentrasi aku baca kreko...
dia masuk beli rokok Dunhill 20 sekotak (masa tu rokok murah lagi...)
lepas menyalakan rokok tersebut, aku ingat dia nak blah...
tiba2 dia amek satu kerusi (tanpa meminta kebenaran aku plak tu...) lalu duduk tepi aku...
mengganggu konsentrasi aku baca kreko...
then, a conversation between me and the mat rempit yang aku panggil Razak (bukan nama sebenar...)......(aku panggil dia Pok Jak sebenarnya...)...(Pok Jak pun bukan nama sebenar jugak) took place...
Razak: Rajing mung blajo (rajin kau belajar)
Aku: Hmm... (Hmm...)
Razak: Blajo tingkatang brape oh? (kau form braper skrg?)
Aku: Tige... (form three)
Razak: Tige mak'ruh? (Tiga Maaruf?)
*kelas Maaruf tu kelas paling depan kat sekolah aku
Aku: Yup... (betul...)
Razak: Pangda aa mung. Baguh ah... blajo sungguh eh, jangang jadi macang aku. Aku dulu pangda pe mu gok. Tige mak'ruh gok dullu neh~ Star studeng. Tapi stak tingkatang tige aku maing puang, isak rokok. Humpph, ha'co. Kawang2 aku aa bengong. Ajo aku natang2 nih. (Kau ni pandai la. Bagus la... belajar bersungguh-sungguh ya, jangan jadi macam aku. Aku dulu pandai macam kau jugak. Tiga Maaruf ni~ Star student. Tapi start tingkatan tiga aku main perempuan, hisap rokok. Humpph, hancur. Kawan2 aku la bangang. Ajar aku benda2 ni)
I just look at him and smile and then read kreko again...
Razak: Mung masa skoloh ni, blajo ah sungguh. Tapi dok leh blajo sokmo. Maing etek. Mase blajo ni lah mung nok enjoy. Mase skoloh, mung maing sungguh2. Balik dumoh baru blajo. Siyes mung, aku kalu buleh skoloh smula memang aku skoloh ah. Mase skoloh ah mase paling beh dalang idup aku... Nyesa aku maing dulu. Dok dang nok abih kene buang sebak peranga pe setang. (Kau masa sekolah ni, belajar la sungguh-sungguh. Tapi tak boleh asyik belajr je. Main main la juga. Masa study ni la kau nak enjoy. Masa kat sekolah, kau main sungguh-sungguh. Balik rumah baru belajar. Serius kau, aku kalau aku boleh sekoah semula memang aku sekolah la. Masa sekolah la masa paling best dalam hidup aku... Menyesal aku main main dulu. Tak sempat habis kena buang sebab perangai macam setan)
I was still reading kreko and in the same time wished that Razak would just kill me...
Razak: Dok ape ah. Aku gi dulu eh. Lewak oh nak gi kije eh. (Takpe la. Aku gerak dulu ya. Dah lewat nak pergi kerja.)
Razak: Stak kije nih, memang takdok mase nok maing lah. Sibuk mangjang. Awek pong susoh nok jupe. Mase skoloh dulu 'kang maing lagi repik. Bowok awek keliling kapong. (Start kerja ni, memang takde masa nak main dah. Sibuk memanjang. Girlfriend pun susah nak jumpa. Masa sekolah dulu bukan main lagi merempit. Bawak girlfriend pusing2 kampung.)
Razak keluar lalu menuju ke arah motor RXZ nya. Tapi sebelum start enjin, sempat lagi beliau minum air ketum yang disangkut kat hendal motor. Setelah mengangkat tangan, beliau pun blah, meninggalkan aku yang sedang membaca kreko sambil jaga kedai.
Moral of the story that have been told by Razak; study hard, but at the same time, play hard, but dont play too hard and destroy your life.
thank you...