Obsession? Collection?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

When I was 8, I asked my mom...

"Ma, besar nanti Ami nak jadi pelukis komik eh..."

"Tak boleh! Takde masa depan... Tak tengok ke dalam tv? Melukis tepi jalan... Bukan ada orang beli pun lukisan tu..."

Well mom... I guess u never noticed these...

latest stack of comics and mangas

Old 'Kreko's are kept in boxes... I think these are from 1995-2006

Latest ones are kept orderly on shelves... Naruto, One Piece, Slamdunk, Pakar Judo, Yu Gi Oh, Gundam, GTO, Wira Tunggal, Senjata Misteri, Pedang Setiawan and many more...

Here are the latest unread comics hidden by my big bro... Well, most of the comics are bought by him so he would want to read them first before giving them to me...

Lastly, here are the old comics and mangas kept in the store room... My big bro's room is too small for these treasures... Kreko, Arena Komik, Hikayat Raja Monyet, Utopia, Gempak and so much more I cant even remember their tittles...

There are billions of people all around the world who are just like me... Spending their money just to entertain their sense of imagination...

So, if any of you guys think that the comic industry is tiny and insignificant... Think again... Where do you think the movie Batman: The Dark Knight being ignited from?


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  1. wah! banyak gile komik! u can open up a comic cafe with this lot. huhu.

  2. aku pn dulu, mak aku bg alasan cmtu..

  3. Oh my effing God!

    banyak giler!

  4. pamie, lets plan something to do with those comics nak?

    jangan buang dulu...

    i think i know what to do with 'em...

    agak2 kamu willing to sell those?

  5. ya ampun!!!!!!!!
    bnyk tahap gaban ko nyer koleksi!!!
    kalo satu tu RM4.50,
    beribu maw ko dah abeskan 2

  6. TO kak nana: Jual? Hmm... gotta ask my big bro...
