I dont think I'm psychic, but maybe a little

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life can be so ironic and full with coincidences sometimes...

The ironic part - in the scorching sun, my girl and I were struggling yet determined to walk to Dataran Pahlawan... However the excessive effects of global warming has defeated us and forced us to give up and take a cab instead... But when u really need them the most, they were never to be found... Taxi drivers!! Where the hell are you? We are being grilled here!! Whenever we dont want them, they would be honking and yelling - Dey!! Mahu teksi ka?! and Dik! Teksi Dik!!

Another ironic part - whenever I'm out of the house, stomach ache will often be harassing me... Masa aku duduk toilet, teran teran teran, tak keluar plak dia!! Bila aku dah jalan jauh baru dia la dia nak tunjuk muka kan?

Coincedences - Just a few days ago, I thought of my long lost friend from primary school... I've never seen or think of him for years now (about 10 freakin years), so why suddenly his images wearing songkok crossed my mind? And now today, I opened my friendster just to see a new friend request has been sent... It's him!! My friend from darjah enam!

Then, when I was working in Shah Alam, I met many of my Matriculation friends... Damnit!! Aku baru je terfikir pasal korang, skrg korang dah muncul di depan aku...

Adakah aku psychic? Ye kot...

Haha :-) Bongok...

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