First tag...
Satu : Apakah yang sedang anda lakukan ?
.>>answering this tag and YM-ing...
Dua : Apakah yang bermain di fikiran anda ?
>>dimanakah saudara Alvin...
Tiga : Siapakah yang sedang bercakap dengan anda ?
Empat : Siapakah yang ada kedua dalam activ5 anda ?
>>Ridhwan Abdullah
Lima : Apakah yang sedang anda pakai ?
>>Boxers, t-shirt and a ring...
Enam : Apakah yang anda lakukan sebaik saja bangun tidur ?
>>send a mesej, "Good Morning Honey~~" and bukak laptop...
Tujuh : Siapakah Lelaki yang selalu bersayang sayang bersama anda ?
>>Haaa??? Tak faham...
Lapan : Apakah Coklat Kegemaran Anda ?
>>MARS bar...
Sembilan : Aktor Paling HOT yang tidak anda Gemari
>>Megan Fox
Sepuluh : Orang yang paling LAST anda bersama ?
>>Girlfriend... baru tadi gi makan bersama...
Terakhir Sekali , Soalah Cepu EMAS !
Tag kan 5 orang dalam Tag ini
>>Ridhwan Abdullah, Najwa Munira, Azim Allaudin, Fiena Zamil, Sharifah Nur Athirah...
1. Name one person who make you laugh last night?~ Girlfriend
2. What were you doing at 0800?
~trying to wake up...
3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
4.What happened to you in 2006?
5.What was the last thing you said out loud?
~"Should I choose her?? Or him??" (During Nasuha Suhaili's microteaching)
6.How many beverages did you have today?
~Air Soya, Air mata kucing, air Teh O suam, air oren Sunkist
7.What color is your hairbrush?
~what hairbrush?
8.Was was the last thing you paid for?
~Air oren Sunkist...
9.Where were you last night?
~Di rumah...
10. What color is your front door?
~Nampak macam maroon...
11.Where do you keep your change?
~Most in a Starbucks' mug that Ridhwan Abdullah gave me... Some in my jeans' pocket... the rest on the floor...
12.What's the weather like today?
~Windy... It's gonna rain...
13.What's the best ice-cream flavor?
14.What excites you?
~Watching a movie that I anticipated to watch...
15.Do you want to cut your hair?
~Definitely... but maybe later
16. Are you over the age of 25?
17.Do you talk a lot?
~They dont call me Ninja for nothing...
18.Do you watch the O.C?
~I've heard of it...
19.Do you know anyone named steven?
~I've heard of someone named Steven...
20.Do you make up your own words?
21. Are you a jealous person?
22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
25.What does the last text message you received say?
~":-) I tdo dlu eh"
26. Do you chew on you straw?
~only when I'm picking my teeth
27.Do you have curly hair?
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
29.Who's the rudest person in your life?
~Pekerja Patisfrance di Gajah Berang kot...
30.What was the last thing you ate?
-Maggi Goreng
31.Will you get married in the future?
~Of course
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
~"Where Got Ghost?"
33.Is there anyone you like right now?
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
~A few months ago...
35. Are you currently depressed?
36.Did you cry today?
37. Tag 1,2,3,4 or 5 people who would do this survey.
~Maslinda Ayu...
I dont get what's the point of this tag...
It has no validity...
First Tag...
1.Siapakah kawan yang pertama sekali ketika anda buat blog ini??
>>Aku tak faham soalan ini... Barangkali soalan tidak lengkap...
2.Siapakah orang yang pertama sekali yang memberi anda award
>>Setakat ni, aku belum mendapat apa2 award... Tapi masa sekolah dulu, aku selalu dapat hadiah sebab tak pernah tak datang sekolah...
1.Siapakah kawan yang pertama sekali ketika anda buat blog ini??
>>Aku tak faham soalan ini... Barangkali soalan tidak lengkap...
2.Siapakah orang yang pertama sekali yang memberi anda award
>>Setakat ni, aku belum mendapat apa2 award... Tapi masa sekolah dulu, aku selalu dapat hadiah sebab tak pernah tak datang sekolah...
3.Siapakah orang yang terakhir yang membuat anda nangis
>>diri sendiri... aku banyak dosa...
4.Apabila kamu berbuka puasa apa yang anda makan dahulu
>>aku terus teguk air...
5.Bila anda sedang berangan...siapa yang selalu ganggu anda
>>lecturer... especially Mr David...
6.Lagu yang terakhir yang anda dengar
>>You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift... I like the line, "Whatcha doin with a girl like that?"
7.Blog siapa yang terakhir anda melawat
>>blog Fiena Zamil...
8.Cerita yang terakhir anda tengok
>>Austin Stevens : Most Dangerous on Animal Planet...
9.Novel yang paling anda gemari
>>Tall, Dark and Handsome...
10.Anda hendak memberi n tag ini kepade siapa
>>siapa2 yang rajin...
Second Tag...
1. Apakah yang sedang anda lakukan sekarang?
2. Kalau boleh, apa yang anda ingin lakukan sekarang?
Tengok "The Gamer"...
3. Apakah nama neighbour anda yang anda tahu?
Nasuha Suhaili...
4. Bilakah kali terakhir anda bercuti dengan rakan-rakan/ahli keluarga/perempuan simpanan/lelaki simpanan/ seorang diri?
Masa Raya...
5. Jika tiada orang di sekeliling anda akan..?
tiba2 jadi rajin...
6. Warna langsir kegemaran anda adalah..?
light blue...
7. Apakah perangai rakan anda yang anda paling menyampah?
Cakap besar...
8. Siapakah rakan anda yang paling kelakar?
Ahmad Alief...
9. Yang paling tak kelakar pulak?
10. Anggota badan anda yang paling hot?
Eyes (I think...)
11. Anggota badan pasangan anda yang paling hot? (*feedback pembaca blog anda kepada jawapan anda adalah tanggungjawab sendiri heheh!)
Legs... (Fit for skinny jeans)
12. Siapakah celebrity yang anda paling suka tengok kat red carpet?
Ellen Page
13. Apakah perkara yang anda wajibkan kepada semua pasangan anda lakukan kepada anda?
Dont cheat
14. Adakah mereka suka melakukannya?
Tanya la dia...
15. Perangai anda yang anda paling tak suka?
Procrastinate, lazy
16. Perangai anda yang anda paling suka?
Forgiving and patient
17. Kalau anda boleh belasah sesiapa sahaja pada masa sekarang, siapakah orang yang anda nak belasah itu?
18. Kalau anda boleh pilih apa-apa kerja, apakah kerja yang anda mahukan sekarang?
Action Film director... (Hollywood)
19. Jika anda seorang yang sangat kaya dan dibenarkan memelihara anak-anak ikan, siapakah yang anda akan pilih untuk menjadi anak-anak ikan anda?
Dibenarkan?? Hmm... Zooey Deschanel, Ellen Page, Misa Campo etc.
20. Adakah anda bahagia??
Yeah, but I want to achieve more...
P/s- Kalau tak silap, ini first time aku layan benda tag ni...
During my bus trip from Melaka to Terengganu, I kept thinking about what Pali said;
"The bus frame is just wood and plastic..."
I crossed my fingers and prayed to God;
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, ku mohon agar dijauhkan daripada kecelakaan..."
Thank God, I made it home...
Just like what I expected... Family gathering!!
All of the relatives from my mother's side gathered in Granny's house...
Sangat kecoh dan meriah rumah nenek!!
My little cousins were all hyperactive and loud
*Gedegung Gedegang*
Bunyi mereka berlari lari dan bermain bersama

Tidak lupa juga pada bunyi mercun yang berlarutan hingga hari raya ke 4
Visiting the relatives from my father's side, I ate so much food
Got some duit raya~~ :-P
jalan2 pergi beraya~~
Then, on the second day of raya, I went to Kampung Fikri to visit a friend of my parents...
A very isolated area...

Dad said I lived there until I was 1 years old...
Wow... I never knew that before
Then, gone sight seeing at Tasik Kenyir...
The lake was massive...
my brothers~~
my parents~~
Third day of raya, went for a tour around Kuala Terengganu
ate KFC with my family
then went shopping in Mydin Mall
Didnt have the chance to meet all of my former schoolmates because I was at granny's
But I did hear that one of my friend already has a VIOS,
many have become teachers :-P
a few married...
And I'm still stuck here doing assignments...
Watched "Where Got Ghost" with the boys...
Totally funny!!!
A comedic horror~~
"The bus frame is just wood and plastic..."
I crossed my fingers and prayed to God;
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, ku mohon agar dijauhkan daripada kecelakaan..."
Thank God, I made it home...
Just like what I expected... Family gathering!!
All of the relatives from my mother's side gathered in Granny's house...
Sangat kecoh dan meriah rumah nenek!!
My little cousins were all hyperactive and loud
*Gedegung Gedegang*
Bunyi mereka berlari lari dan bermain bersama
Tidak lupa juga pada bunyi mercun yang berlarutan hingga hari raya ke 4
Visiting the relatives from my father's side, I ate so much food
Got some duit raya~~ :-P
Then, on the second day of raya, I went to Kampung Fikri to visit a friend of my parents...
A very isolated area...
Dad said I lived there until I was 1 years old...
Wow... I never knew that before
Then, gone sight seeing at Tasik Kenyir...
The lake was massive...
Third day of raya, went for a tour around Kuala Terengganu
ate KFC with my family
then went shopping in Mydin Mall
Didnt have the chance to meet all of my former schoolmates because I was at granny's
But I did hear that one of my friend already has a VIOS,
many have become teachers :-P
a few married...
And I'm still stuck here doing assignments...
Watched "Where Got Ghost" with the boys...
Totally funny!!!
A comedic horror~~
As usual, during this kind of moment where I'm packing my bags, planning of what to bring home and what not to bring and wondering how many pieces of clothing should I bring along, the song "Home" by Daughtry will be automatically played over and over in my mind... Not to mention the one by Micheal Buble, entitled the same; "Home"... I makes me feel... syahdu... sayu... heavy hearted...
I'll be leaving by bus (Transnational) which I bought the ticket months before... I can imagine it now that I'll be looking out through the bus' windows, wondering if things have changed at home or not... With my ears be plugged with earphones, I'll let my mind sway into the past where the thoughts of the ones I'm leaving behind and the ones I'm about to meet appear one by one... making me feel... lebih syahdu... lebih sayu... more heavy hearted...
Then as time flies by, I'll feel sleepy and fall asleep... I hate sleeping in the bus... Because I will drool myself until the collar of my jacket becomes wet... urghhh
I'm hoping that the one who will be sitting beside me in the bus smells nice... I dont care if it's gonna be a girl or guy (I wont be making any interactions with neither of them), as long as they are not smelly and sweaty, I wont mind... I dont want to be covering my nose for 6-7 hours of journey...
I'll be leaving by bus (Transnational) which I bought the ticket months before... I can imagine it now that I'll be looking out through the bus' windows, wondering if things have changed at home or not... With my ears be plugged with earphones, I'll let my mind sway into the past where the thoughts of the ones I'm leaving behind and the ones I'm about to meet appear one by one... making me feel... lebih syahdu... lebih sayu... more heavy hearted...
Then as time flies by, I'll feel sleepy and fall asleep... I hate sleeping in the bus... Because I will drool myself until the collar of my jacket becomes wet... urghhh
I'm hoping that the one who will be sitting beside me in the bus smells nice... I dont care if it's gonna be a girl or guy (I wont be making any interactions with neither of them), as long as they are not smelly and sweaty, I wont mind... I dont want to be covering my nose for 6-7 hours of journey...
Selamat hari raya to all friends (especially Housemates/classmates) and bloggers!!
Be safe during raya!! :-P
Love you all~~
I'll be bringing back my Grammar book along with me... and also the thoughts of abundance of assignments due after hari raya... Shit!!!!!!
p/s:- nak kirim kuih? keropok? ermmm... tengok la dulu kalau aku rajin...
Be safe during raya!! :-P
Love you all~~
I'll be bringing back my Grammar book along with me... and also the thoughts of abundance of assignments due after hari raya... Shit!!!!!!
p/s:- nak kirim kuih? keropok? ermmm... tengok la dulu kalau aku rajin...
"TESL? How hard could it be? U just study about grammar, vocabulary and stuff... Damn, u're so lucky... I have to work my ass out just to pass my course's test papers... I wish I'm good in English..."
I often get this kind of remark from my former schoolmates who are now in UiTM Shah Alam doing physics, biology, engineering, chemistry and etc... How hard could it be? That was the thing that crossed my mind when I was filling the UiTM application form... How hard could it be...
Very hard...
Guys, I assure u... It's not easy taking TESL... It's not about just doing fill up the blanks grammar exercises, writing short essays and learning the themes of poems like u thought it is... It's much more than that... It has sociology, psychology, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition and other hell subjects that can drain your brain into a small peanut...
I was in a queue for the ATM machine and there were two guys in front of me... I swear, the one who was in front of me was awfully smelly... I distanced myself about 30 - 40 cm from him and yet his smell was still killing me softly... After the first guy of the line left the ATM, the smelly guy went on pressing the ATM's buttons...
Hmm?? Does this guy know what he's doing? You're supposed to put in your ATM card first... I think to myself... But after a minute of him pressing the buttons and the ATM was not responding, I told him; Encik, kena masukkan kad dulu... baru boleh guna...
He turned to me with a big smile... Saya tahu dik, tapi saya sekarang tengah tunggu isteri saya... Dia yang nak cucuk duit, bukan saya...
Saya tekan main main je tadi, saje je... Sabar eh dik... Kejap lagi isteri saya datang...
Apa kata Encik bagi saya guna dulu, I said...
Urmm, Okey la...
He stepped aside and let me use the ATM... but as I put my card in, I noticed that he was standing beside me, staring at the ATM's monitor screen... I looked at him straight to the eyes with a weird look on my face... he reacted by smiling... Encik, boleh tak undur ke belakang lagi??
Owh? Okey okey...
He backed off a bit, pushing the two women behind him behind... one of them moved to the next ATM...
After withdrawing RM100 from my account, I went straight to the door... God, seriously, that guy needed a bath and a brain...
It was the eve of Aidilfitri and every kid in Ketengah Jaya was having fun burning fire crackers and lanterns, including my little brother and I... I was about 11 years old that time... While the sound of "Takbir Raya" was heard from a nearby surau, we lit up as many firecrackers as we could... Some were loud, the others were bright... With the lights from the lanterns and candles that we had arranged on the fence earlier, we felt safe from the darkness...
From far, we could hear echos of big explosions... it was like being in a war-zone... Boom!! Bang!! Beng!!
I gazed at the night sky... The stars were bright... No clouds were there to block me from admiring the twinkling stars...
Then, suddenly, a flying ball of purple flames passed by in the sky!!
I flew passed by the top of my roof for seconds and then disappeared...
I flew passed by the top of my roof for seconds and then disappeared...
I'm sure it was not a meteor for its colour and the way it gracefully flew... and there wasnt any news about meteor impact... but it did look like a comet for it has a coma and a tail... but comets dont fly into the atmosphere for it will melt... and comets are made of ice, not flames...
Whatever it was, I was the only one that saw it...
Maybe it was all in my head...
Maybe it was all in my head...
I've been listening to Lenka and Daughtry and one of their songs got the line "The writings on the wall~"... So I Googled the line... Well, according to Wikipedia, "The writing on the wall" or "The handwriting on the wall" is an idiom, a portent of doom and misfortune... Whoaa...
I changed my blog's name from "crossingmyfingers" to "Writings on a wall" after Mdm Naga repeatedly said that I'm like a wall... The wall doesn't speak, so the writings on it are doing all the talking...
Anyway, Alvin, Alief and I watched District 9 yesterday... We unanimously agreed that the movie was super cool... it was like a documentary at first with the first person camera view but as the movie proceeded, the movie started to became more interesting and mind blowing...
The first person view reminded of Cloverfield, which is one of my favorite movie... Some people dont like it because it makes them dizzy... maybe the excessive amount of time spent playing Counter Strike makes me a little bit immune to the first person view... hmm...
I guess District 9 showed the horrible side of humans... All the propaganda, selfishness and the strange beliefs that they have...
I changed my blog's name from "crossingmyfingers" to "Writings on a wall" after Mdm Naga repeatedly said that I'm like a wall... The wall doesn't speak, so the writings on it are doing all the talking...
Anyway, Alvin, Alief and I watched District 9 yesterday... We unanimously agreed that the movie was super cool... it was like a documentary at first with the first person camera view but as the movie proceeded, the movie started to became more interesting and mind blowing...
The first person view reminded of Cloverfield, which is one of my favorite movie... Some people dont like it because it makes them dizzy... maybe the excessive amount of time spent playing Counter Strike makes me a little bit immune to the first person view... hmm...
I guess District 9 showed the horrible side of humans... All the propaganda, selfishness and the strange beliefs that they have...
If you want a full review of District 9, click here
I agree fully to the review because it is so precise...
Then we went to Mahkota Parade's karaoke box... Yes, Alief's new obsession is singing karaoke and I have been dragged in to join him...
Lost partial of voice for singing Bon Jovi's "Always"...
2 hours of melalak
Orang lain pergi sembahyang terawih, kitorang sibuk meluahkan perasaan...
2 hours of melalak
Orang lain pergi sembahyang terawih, kitorang sibuk meluahkan perasaan...
One of the things that irritates me is receiving text messages such as;
"Awak siapa?"
"Boleh berkenalan?"
Haa?? Kau yang mesej aku dulu, kau tanya aku siapa... Kau la patutnya perkenalkan diri dulu...
Boleh berkenalan? Tak boleh... Bazir kredit...
Kalau aku umur 15 atau 16 tahun, mungkin aku akan layan benda2 macam ni... Tapi, bila dah umur 22 ni, aku macam malas... Lagipun, benda benda macam ni bukan boleh percaya sangat... Entah entah ada orang menyamar nak kenakan aku ke, peras ugut ke...
Just now I received text messages from an unknown number...
"Spe nie?"
I replied,
"Yup.tau Org.tpi wk kna phm..
Org kt dunia tlh dktgrikan bbrp prgkt..
Org asli?Org negro?Org planet?
wk kt ktgri mne?"
I was like, Huh??
but I replied,
"Orange Juice..."
"Aiks.pelik nie?tdi ckp Orang..
nie ckp Orange Juice lak.
setau sye spnjg sy stdy sbg nurse nie xpnh lg tgok juice ley msj lak.
juice sjns asid..
Funny... not!!
I kept on replying,
"Orange Juice sangat sedap..."
sye doakan wk akn jd sorg ushwn
yg success dlm producekan
juice One time nnti k.
nite.selamat brpuasa.bye."
What's the point of he/she sending me that kind of messages, I dont even know...
We can deliver u the ultimate satisfaction...
Just call 06-2845843
or email us on
We'll surely satisfy~~
Just call 06-2845843
or email us on
We'll surely satisfy~~