It's 6.45 in the morning and I'm whining like a child... Why does school has to begin so early? Whoever made that policy... and why cant our schools become like the ones in the US where we can wear anything we like? Sigh~ I'm so tired... School is draining the life out of me... Last week, I slept for a few minutes while watching Sherlock Holmes with my girl... Before this, no matter how boring the movie was, I would stay awake until the end... but to fall asleep during Holmes which is a totally awesome movie, was enough proof that school is really tiring... Luckily that was the second time I watched the movie, so I kinda didn't miss anything...
Yeah, Holmes is brilliant... Robert Downey Jr. is indeed the right person to carry out the role... He's funny, charming and witty... I love the part when Holmes analyzed his enemy's actions, planned his moves 5 - 7 moves ahead and then successfully carried out all that he had planned earlier...
I also had watched Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's 'Tooth Fairy'... It was quite funny and entertaining... what I like the most about the movie is the clever lines and jokes it has...
Now, I'm craving for an action movie... I wish The Clash of the Titans would come out sooner... I've lost interest of seeing Legion for Alief only rated it 2.5 of out 5... Kinda interested on seeing Universal Soldier: A New Beginning featuring John-Claude Van Damme... Is it good?
Yeah, Holmes is brilliant... Robert Downey Jr. is indeed the right person to carry out the role... He's funny, charming and witty... I love the part when Holmes analyzed his enemy's actions, planned his moves 5 - 7 moves ahead and then successfully carried out all that he had planned earlier...
I also had watched Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's 'Tooth Fairy'... It was quite funny and entertaining... what I like the most about the movie is the clever lines and jokes it has...
Now, I'm craving for an action movie... I wish The Clash of the Titans would come out sooner... I've lost interest of seeing Legion for Alief only rated it 2.5 of out 5... Kinda interested on seeing Universal Soldier: A New Beginning featuring John-Claude Van Damme... Is it good?
My dad sent me a message yesterday :-
27-11-2009 (Friday) - Aidiladha
18-12-2009 (Friday) - Tahun Baru Hijrah
25-12-2009 (Friday) - Christmas
01-01-2010 (Friday) - New Year 2010
26-02-2010 (Friday) - Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW
02-04-2010 (Friday) - The death of Yesus Kristus
28-05-2010 (Friday) - Hari Wesak
27-08-2010 (Friday) - Nuzul al-Quran
10-09-2010 (Friday) - Aidilfitri
05-11-2010 (Friday) - Deepavali
Di dalam al-Quran, Allah telah menyebutkan bahawa kiamat terjadi pada hari Jumaat... Renunglah dengan mata hati...
The 2012 phenomenon where the Mayans believed that the world will be in total chaos is predicted to be happening on December 21, or December 23, 2012... Well, according to my phone's calendar, December 21 is Friday...
But it is all in Allah's power... 2012 is not necessarily the end of the world... it can happen maybe next week... or next month... or next billion years...The only certain thing is it will be happening on Friday and when all of the Muslims have gone from the face of the world...
As a child, I was always interested by the stories about the apocalypse... especially about Dajal (or also be known as the 'Antichrist' in Christian)... it is said that before the world ends, Dajal will bring terror on the face of the earth... My ustazah said that it is uncertain how Dajal looks like... or how many Dajals will be terrorizing earth... Maybe Dajal is a giant, eating earth's crust to the core... or Dajal might be a swarm of insects, eating out flesh and bones... it can also be some kind of a deadly virus... but Wikipedia explains it differently... Wiki stated that Dajal comes in a form of a crippled man... He shall spread false religious teachings and lies... click here to read about it...
and besides Dajal, there will be more unearthly creatures roaming around spreading terror...
and besides Dajal, there will be more unearthly creatures roaming around spreading terror...
So, be prepared...
Anyway, you know what else is on Friday?
The end of my practicum!!
09-04-2010 (Friday) - End of practicum :-D
"My dear teacher, I am going to the Planet Awesome with my new found friend, Zathura. There are many things at there. The sky are green, water are black, trees are yellow, and grases are red even the planet are flooded with toxic stone.
The toxic stone are the main source of their life. It provides them food for daily life. There are also many living creature at the planet Awesome. There are big and small.
We went to a cafe, and the food were jerk and smelly. I hope you will come to Planet Awesome in the future."
Feedback : I would love to go there :-)
I asked the students to imagine themselves being in their own magical world and then, from there, send me a postcard describing that magical place... Long hours of marking, and this one made me smile...
the next James Cameron... :-P
The toxic stone are the main source of their life. It provides them food for daily life. There are also many living creature at the planet Awesome. There are big and small.
We went to a cafe, and the food were jerk and smelly. I hope you will come to Planet Awesome in the future."
Feedback : I would love to go there :-)
I asked the students to imagine themselves being in their own magical world and then, from there, send me a postcard describing that magical place... Long hours of marking, and this one made me smile...
the next James Cameron... :-P
Where's their sense of creativity? I remembered how I used to draw dragons on my desks during my school years... Those dragons were so beautiful, I never had the heart to erase them...
You should not be daydreaming if you are...
1. Praying...
1. Praying...
It was Friday prayer and the imam had started the prayer while all other men, including me, followed his lead... I was really in focus the minute the imam started to recite the surah al-Fatihah, but the minute he reached the second surah, I was all over the place... My mind kept thinking about the movie I watched the night before... Then, with confidence, I raised up both of my hands to initiate the rukuk... As the tip of my fingers touched the tip of my ears, I snapped... I suddenly realized that it was not time for rukuk yet, the imam had not finished reciting the second surah... So, to avoid being self-humiliated, I took the action of scratching both of my ears at the same time...
2. On the road...
I was a child with a brain full of imagination... Thanks to the excessive exposure to comic books and cartoons... There was this time when I pretended to be psychic by riding a bicycle without looking ahead... I paddled my bicycle on the road, while looking down... For the first 10 - 15 meters, I was doing great... and I thought that maybe I was really a psychic... I just need to train using my powers more often... yeah, I can do this "BANG!!!!"
I hit the front of a static lorry... benjol kepala...
3. When your teacher likes to ask questions to random people in class
I was thinking about how would it be if a nuclear bomb was suddenly dropped into the class through the roof... Will we be able to react to it or we would just burn into dust and become a part of the mushroom cloud... Then, suddenly,
"Ye, mati... eh, silap! Ye cikgu!!"
2. On the road...
I was a child with a brain full of imagination... Thanks to the excessive exposure to comic books and cartoons... There was this time when I pretended to be psychic by riding a bicycle without looking ahead... I paddled my bicycle on the road, while looking down... For the first 10 - 15 meters, I was doing great... and I thought that maybe I was really a psychic... I just need to train using my powers more often... yeah, I can do this "BANG!!!!"
I hit the front of a static lorry... benjol kepala...
3. When your teacher likes to ask questions to random people in class
I was thinking about how would it be if a nuclear bomb was suddenly dropped into the class through the roof... Will we be able to react to it or we would just burn into dust and become a part of the mushroom cloud... Then, suddenly,
"Ye, mati... eh, silap! Ye cikgu!!"
I am currently upset with a friend of mine... His girlfriend is totally irritating... Every time they had an argument, and she cannot contact him, she will keep making 10 to 20 misscalls to my phone...
It drains my phone's battery...
There were once when I was expecting a call from my father... My father couldnt get through to me because his girlfriend had been making 27 misscalls on my phone... It was an important call and I got scolded by my father because of that... Bummer... Ruined my whole day...
She also sometimes bug me during my sleep... It was 2.00 in morning and she woke me up by making continuous misscalls... How selfish was that??
Dear friend... Sorry for bringing this up on the net but your girlfriend is a bug for me and you are not doing anything to keep me out of your private arguments... I did told you a few times, "Tolong la bagitau girlfriend kau, jangan kacau aku lagi dah..." and she did stop for a while but recently she's on the loose again...
I am angry at you because you cant seem to handle that psychotic girlfriend of yours... If I was you, I would just take her phone, took out the sim card and throw that damn sim card to the sea... That way, she wont be having my friends' number and not becoming a damn bug...
Last nite, she was making misscalls to my phone, so I sent her a message, "Berambus la wei..."
But then she replied, "Sorry sebab ganggu kau, tapi ini je cara nak sedarkan ***y"
What the fuck was that?? How does making misscalls to my phone can solve their damn problems?
"Berambus la sial...", I replied...
Then she kept mentioning about I have no right to judge her, only Allah can judge her... Of course I have the right to judge that bitch, she's a bug to me... The fact that she is using the name Allah to hide herself from being judged pissed me off... and then she kept saying that I have nothing to do with their arguments, so I better keep my anger to myself... What pissed me off the most was the fact that she doesnt have the slightest regret about the thing that she's been doing to me... She said nothing that I say could make her feel anything...
What a bitch...
It drains my phone's battery...
There were once when I was expecting a call from my father... My father couldnt get through to me because his girlfriend had been making 27 misscalls on my phone... It was an important call and I got scolded by my father because of that... Bummer... Ruined my whole day...
She also sometimes bug me during my sleep... It was 2.00 in morning and she woke me up by making continuous misscalls... How selfish was that??
Dear friend... Sorry for bringing this up on the net but your girlfriend is a bug for me and you are not doing anything to keep me out of your private arguments... I did told you a few times, "Tolong la bagitau girlfriend kau, jangan kacau aku lagi dah..." and she did stop for a while but recently she's on the loose again...
I am angry at you because you cant seem to handle that psychotic girlfriend of yours... If I was you, I would just take her phone, took out the sim card and throw that damn sim card to the sea... That way, she wont be having my friends' number and not becoming a damn bug...
Last nite, she was making misscalls to my phone, so I sent her a message, "Berambus la wei..."
But then she replied, "Sorry sebab ganggu kau, tapi ini je cara nak sedarkan ***y"
What the fuck was that?? How does making misscalls to my phone can solve their damn problems?
"Berambus la sial...", I replied...
Then she kept mentioning about I have no right to judge her, only Allah can judge her... Of course I have the right to judge that bitch, she's a bug to me... The fact that she is using the name Allah to hide herself from being judged pissed me off... and then she kept saying that I have nothing to do with their arguments, so I better keep my anger to myself... What pissed me off the most was the fact that she doesnt have the slightest regret about the thing that she's been doing to me... She said nothing that I say could make her feel anything...
What a bitch...
I dont wanna blog about practicum, but it's the only thing that I can think of for now...
Thursday, January 07, 2010
I woke up today, and realized that this is only 4th day of practicum... Shit... Making it worse, it was raining cats and dogs outside... and it was six in the morning!!! Shitty shit... (I hope my students will never come across this blog...) Continuing my sleep was the most irresistible thing to do at that time, but what the hell, if i fail this practicum, I will have to do it again... So, picking myself up to get ready for school was the right thing to do...
Time sure is passing by slowly when you're not enjoying something huh? I yelled in my mind, "Time is rather bias!!" every time I look at my watch and realize that there are too many hours to go before the school ends...
This is the time when I wish I can control time... Skip this thing up and enjoy the rest of my studying years before taking a dip into the working arena... or I would rather be a very intimidating guy like Stone Cold Steve Austin so that no student nor teacher dare to come close to me for they fear my fearsome aura... Hmm... That would be rather peaceful huh?
Okey la... I admit it... It's not that bad actually... Maybe it will get better after I start teaching next Monday... Yeah Fahmi, keep up that positive way of thinking... After all, it's only 3 months... 3 damn months...
Damn Fahmi... stop typing those foul words... You're a teacher now... Show some decency to the public... Owh, by the way, after 3 days of practice, I finally get a hang of tying my tie... hahaha :-D
Cepat la habis 3 bulan...
Time sure is passing by slowly when you're not enjoying something huh? I yelled in my mind, "Time is rather bias!!" every time I look at my watch and realize that there are too many hours to go before the school ends...
This is the time when I wish I can control time... Skip this thing up and enjoy the rest of my studying years before taking a dip into the working arena... or I would rather be a very intimidating guy like Stone Cold Steve Austin so that no student nor teacher dare to come close to me for they fear my fearsome aura... Hmm... That would be rather peaceful huh?
Okey la... I admit it... It's not that bad actually... Maybe it will get better after I start teaching next Monday... Yeah Fahmi, keep up that positive way of thinking... After all, it's only 3 months... 3 damn months...
Damn Fahmi... stop typing those foul words... You're a teacher now... Show some decency to the public... Owh, by the way, after 3 days of practice, I finally get a hang of tying my tie... hahaha :-D
Cepat la habis 3 bulan...
It's a new year, new day, new challenges up ahead and I dont really know what to say but "Seriously, time is moving so fast... Too fast... Very very fast"... I'm actually still in denial... School is starting on Monday and I'm still hoping that I am actually dreaming... Shit, practicum already?? Seriously?? Damn...

I am being part optimistic and part pessimistic about this practicum thing... A part of me is saying, "Well, it will only be 3 months... How bad will it be? Just play it cool, and do everything right... It will turn out well..." while the other part is cursing like hell...
New year resolution? I really didnt think much about it... I just want to survive this year... Hmm... Wait, I'll be graduating next year?? Man, seriously... Time surely is moving fast...
A decade passed by and look at me... I've grown to be what I am right now... For the past ten years, I've gained a little bit of confidence... Though still silent in a way, but I think there is progress in me... A few years ago I was this nerdy looking kid who wore big shirts and never smiled nor talked to anyone... Some even thought that I was serial killer...
I now have great friends and a great girlfriend... and I am thankful for that... These wonderful people always know how to put smiles on my face... they have taught me a lot and I've learned so much...
Any regrets? Yeah, only one... As years passed by, the amount of time I spent with my family became lesser and lesser... Haih... Should have spent more time with my younger brothers...
One more year and I'll be joining the rat race... So I'm hoping to have a little bit of fun this year... But in order to have fun, u need money... Cant really get anything for free these days huh?
So people, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!! Cikgu cikgu sekalian, ke medan perang!! Shit, I need new pants... Cant wear jeans in school...

I am being part optimistic and part pessimistic about this practicum thing... A part of me is saying, "Well, it will only be 3 months... How bad will it be? Just play it cool, and do everything right... It will turn out well..." while the other part is cursing like hell...
New year resolution? I really didnt think much about it... I just want to survive this year... Hmm... Wait, I'll be graduating next year?? Man, seriously... Time surely is moving fast...
A decade passed by and look at me... I've grown to be what I am right now... For the past ten years, I've gained a little bit of confidence... Though still silent in a way, but I think there is progress in me... A few years ago I was this nerdy looking kid who wore big shirts and never smiled nor talked to anyone... Some even thought that I was serial killer...
I now have great friends and a great girlfriend... and I am thankful for that... These wonderful people always know how to put smiles on my face... they have taught me a lot and I've learned so much...
Any regrets? Yeah, only one... As years passed by, the amount of time I spent with my family became lesser and lesser... Haih... Should have spent more time with my younger brothers...
One more year and I'll be joining the rat race... So I'm hoping to have a little bit of fun this year... But in order to have fun, u need money... Cant really get anything for free these days huh?
So people, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!! Cikgu cikgu sekalian, ke medan perang!! Shit, I need new pants... Cant wear jeans in school...