Exam Matters
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
The exam period has arrived!!! As my students are dreading this moment because they must study in order to pass the papers, I dread the fact that I have to be one of the invigilators... Sigh... Being in the examination halls, just doing nothing but stare at the students for two to three hours is boring as hell...
Often, in order for me be remain sane, I would let my imagination go wild just to entertain myself during the boring moments... Some other times, I would just observe the students and what they're doing... Here's the result of my observation...
Some students are sleepy heads...
Just after half an hour or so after the exam started, these sleepy heads would yawn like tired lions and retreat their heads into the wrappings of their arms... They sleep during the exam time...
Gambar hiasan
If I'm being positive, I shall think that they burnt the midnight oil the night before the exam... but what's the point of studying if u just waste your time sleeping instead of scoring the paper? Hmm... Students, don't study last minute...
Some students are sketch artists...
These artists would waste their time drawing cartoon figures and doodling on the desks or question papers... Well, I was one of them when I was a student... Instead of just focusing on answering the questions, I would just take my sweet time and doodle all sorts of stuff like dragons and manga characters...
There are also students who would stalk on other people's answer sheets...
In a very subtle way, they would turn their heads to the side, squint their eyes and try to capture the image of answers on other people's sheets...

I always love to mess around with these guys... When I saw them stalking, I would make a sound "Ahemmm!" and stare directly into their eyes as though I'm telepathically telling them, "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING..."...
I guess the easiest to copy is the answers on the multiple answer sheets... You just take a mental photo of the answer sheet and match it with yours... I did it all the time when I was in school...
I guess the easiest to copy is the answers on the multiple answer sheets... You just take a mental photo of the answer sheet and match it with yours... I did it all the time when I was in school...
Besides that, some students just give up...
These guys would often seem restless... They would not sit still and always sighing... They would turn the pages of the question papers quickly and leave the examination halls after an hour or so... or they would just doze off...
and then, the cheaters...
These students will have hidden notes everywhere... In their sleeves, in the pockets, in the pencil cases... Everywhere... As soon as an examination starts, I would often inspect the men's toilet and I always managed to find some notes hidden... What I would usually do is throw them in the toilet bowl but not flush them down... It's amusing to assume that a desperate student would soak his hand in the bowl to get the notes...
Hehe... Jahat...
Well, as a student, I also cheated once in a while... When I was in school, a day or a few minutes before the exam, I would write down notes on my desk and during the examination, I would just cover the written notes with the question papers... If I sat beside a wall, I would write my notes on it too...
Other than that, we also have the excellencies...
They are the ones who are calm through out the exam period... They answer the questions smoothly and take their time... Of course, they are quite rare... So far, I've encountered two of them...
Well, as a student, I also cheated once in a while... When I was in school, a day or a few minutes before the exam, I would write down notes on my desk and during the examination, I would just cover the written notes with the question papers... If I sat beside a wall, I would write my notes on it too...
Other than that, we also have the excellencies...
They are the ones who are calm through out the exam period... They answer the questions smoothly and take their time... Of course, they are quite rare... So far, I've encountered two of them...
The most annoying for me is the stupid ones...
By stupid, I don't mean academically or in terms of IQ... The stupid ones are the ones who seem to bring so much trouble upon themselves by coming in late and have no clue where they're supposed to be... For example, last week, a student came in 45 minutes late... He had repeated the paper 3 times already and this is his final chance... and he almost damn blew it by oversleeping!! I feel like smacking his stupid face... Luckily, I was the leader of the invigilators of the room and I decided to give him a chance... Last Monday, I encountered another one... He had repeated the paper 2 times already and were 40 minutes late... My GOD... I seriously wanna kick his stupid face... He was not just late, he also was in the wrong exam hall... How ignorant could a person be??
Those above are among the few types of students in exams... Dear students, whichever type you belong to, I wish you all the best... Study hard and study smart... Don't waste your time failing and repeating the subjects... You yourself know your own strengths and weaknesses... Take initiative and make an effort to improve...
how come my jessica snsd pic (1st pic) is in your blog? hehehe xp
ReplyDeleteI borrowed it :-P
ReplyDeleteWant it back?