Dear family members and friends, I would to invite u all to my wedding~
Yes... I am getting married... Just broke the news to everyone a couple of weeks ago (on the 15th of Oct to be exact) during my friends' (Aafina and Aimi) birthday party and it made all of my friends shit bricks... They were all shocked most probably because me and my girl never said anything about it... Never even hinted anything... and then, BAMMMM!!! we dropped the news on them and it went Nagasaki and Hiroshima... We won surprise of the year... Thank u...
So, the reception on my honey's side will be on 12th of November 2011 (Saturday) which is next month... Gosh... I'm nervous... Of course I'm nervous, it's a wedding! I'm taking a huge motherfucking step here... At the same time, u have no idea how happy I am... Haha...
Here's the venue...
No 6, Jalan CJ2/10-4, Taman Cheras Jaya,
43200 Batu 9, Cheras,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Coordinates : N3.0275, E101.7589
The reception on my side will be on the 26th of November 2011 (Saturday) at my house...
168, Felda Kerteh 4,
23300 Ketengah Jaya,
Dungun, Terengganu
23300 Ketengah Jaya,
Dungun, Terengganu
In case u didn't notice, I live in a Felda area... so, good luck finding my place... Nahh... I'm sure u'll find it... No sweat...
Different people reacted differently from the news of our wedding... Those who were at the birthday party went crazy... Crazy like screaming and shouting... Totally expected... I cannot forget the look on Aimi's face... She just kept staring at me and my girl like she's hoping it was all a dream...
The boys reacted differently... Alief, Fadzly and Aswadi (poyo guna nama betul) told me how challenged they are at the fact that I'm gonna be a husband soon... I can understand Alief's pressure... Not gonna elaborate on that... Relax guys... Your time will come and when it comes, I'll be there... with my wife... Haha...
Married people like Kak Mimi and Kak Effa gave me so many advices after they interviewed me about how the idea of the wedding started... "You know that you cannot undo this after it has been done... Right?", Kak Mimi asked... Ridhwan asked the same thing too... Yeah guys, I know... I know... Don't worry... Then, I was poured with loads of based-on-experience stuff... "Fahmi, kahwin and bercouple ni lain tau...", said Kak Effa with a concerned look...
Yep, I know Kak Effa... People kept telling me that... My girl told me repeatedly that people say the first 5 years is the hardest... Survive that period and u'll be happy for the rest of your lives... So I'm preparing myself mentally, emotionally and physically for it... Thanks for the heads up people... Really appreciate that...
Okey now, let's change the topic to how this idea of marriage came about...
It all started in July... She asked me whether I wanted to get engaged... I told her, I don't really like being engaged... Let's get married instead... She was super excited and immediately told her parents... I was surprised at how supportive her parents were... They were okey with it and went to see my parents at the first chance they got... Both my parents and her parents discussed about it...
At first, my parents were quite reluctant on the idea because we proposed the marriage to be held after Hari Raya Aidilfitri... Hari Raya ke-3 to be exact... It was too sudden for them to digest... Couldn't blame them, it was huge news... They rejected the proposal mainly because my cousin was getting married on the 3rd day of Raya... The idea of marriage kinda died down after that...
Then, after a few weeks, when I got back from Melaka, my parents and I had a bit of discussion... They asked me, "What's the rush?? Did anything happen? Did anything BAD happen???"... I knew that they're worried because they knew so many people who wed out of wrong reasons... As parents, they have a right to feel that way... I told them not to worry because we're getting married not because of that... Everything is fine mom and dad... "Lambat pun tak apa... Tahun depan pun boleh...", I assured them...
A few days later, dad suddenly checked the calendar... "Tarikh 11 November okey tak??"... Huh?? I thought my parents were going to suggest that it will be held next year... Haha... Eventually, I guess it's because of my determination, they decided that it's okey to do it this year... The date's kinda awesome too...
11. 11. 11
Pandai juga abah aku ni pilih tarikh...
After that, the preparations started... Abah got me some forms to be filled from Jabatan Agama Terengganu... The forms were written in Jawi... Luckily I can still read Jawi...
The most memorable and informational was the kursus kahwin... We did it together at Putrajaya... Though I kinda fell asleep like many times but the course really taught me loads of stuff about marriage, and the preparations... The lecturers were great - some were really funny, while others were dead boring but give so many useful advices... One particular lecturer from the Health Department was very interesting to listen too... We agreed that he lectured as if he was high or drunk... It was damn hilarious...
We spent our sweet time looking for barang hantaran... We decided to get ourselves things that won't end up being useless after the ceremony's over... Thus, we looked for stuff that will be useful for work such as a stylish bag that can fit files and books, killer heels that are appropriate for work and that sort of stuff... The hunt was fun as we got to spend time with each other...
I think that's about it... for now :-)

Again, friends and family members, u are all invited and wish us good luck... :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm talking about! When I was first invited via Facebook my response was literally "Say whaaaaatt??!!"
Like, out loud!
But in all seriousness, even though I'm very cynical about marriage and relationships, I would never discredit anyone who would like to give it a go. So CONGRATZ bro!!
ReplyDeletesorang ganu sorang cheras... jgn dok neves dah.. moga bahagia dik. syukur family sporting belaka.
ReplyDeleteSo the first news I heard of this was Ridh's fb post. Then I screamed the whole house down and my mum 'terkejut kodok'. Then Kak Hani called and then she said 'so now it's pamie fist and then you nas'. Then it hit me, bugger you stealing my wedding jazz. lolz. But really happy for you. Can imagine the stress and wedding pressure now it's closer to the date. (I don't know bout you but I'm damned stress). Somehow there should be a bigger word than congrats?? You're the man bro!
ReplyDeleteyuhuuu..c0ngrats ^^,
ReplyDeletecongrates sir . but sorry tak dpt dtg . jaoh sgt . haha . btw tahniah semoga kekal selamanya :)
ReplyDeletecongrat...semoga kekal bahgia selamanya .insyallah^^
ReplyDeleterasanya kat cheras tu leh pergi je bro..hehee follow sni^^
congratulation :)
ReplyDeletewaahhh...congrate...bammm..supriseee!!rite?like2..nanti nak wat camnie jugak la...ehhehe
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your wedding! may God bless your marriage :)
ReplyDeletecongrats :)
ReplyDeleteomg wow congratulations! i wish i could attend the wedding (even though i may not know you in real life and such haha) but you're one of my favorite bloggers so yeah, congrats again! ◠‿◠