"When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die..."

Batman (Christian Bale) took the blame for Harvey Dent's death and disappeared as Gotham triumphed in peace... However, he was forced to go back in action when Bane (Tom Hardy) rose from darkness and spread flames on the city with his loyal army...

Finally, the long awaited conclusion of a legendary series is now showing worldwide... I have to say that The Dark Knight Rises is indeed the most talked about movie of this year so far... I saw so many reviews (good and bad) and discussions from professional and non professional critics even before the movie was released... The previous installment, The Dark Knight, had put such high standards (all thanks to the Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker) that fans were anticipating this movie to be more epic and mind fucking...
So, what do I think of The Dark Knight Rises? (Those who haven't watch it, beware, there are spoilers)
Well, it's hard to not to compare it with its predecessor... To tell you the truth, I personally think that The Dark Knight is a better movie because of the wicked act of Joker... However, I'm not telling you that The Dark Knight Rises is a bad movie... In fact, it's far from bad... It's great!
For me, the most memorable scene was the brawl between Batman and Bane in the sewers... There was no background music played and the only sound heard were grunts and blows from the epic clash between two creatures of the dark... The silence triggered a lot bone chilling emotions...
The action scenes were really satisfying... From hand to hand combat between the main masked ones to the collisions of cool mechas... This movie really had a lot going on...
Christopher Nolan picked so many talented cast members and I noticed that most of them are from Inception... My favourite is of course Joseph Gordon Levitt who I played Officer Blake - the persistent hot headed rookie... Christian Bale did extremely well as the lead... Because this movie is more about how Bruce Wayne falling and rising again as the hero that Gotham needed, we got to see him more without his mask on... That means, Bale must portrayed all emotions and indeed he did... Gary Oldman also did a really god job as Commissioner Gordon (as expected)...
Though, this movie had some flaws too... The obvious flaw is the absence of "Joker"... Heath Ledger made the Joker so psychotic and powerful in the previous one that I expected Bane to be more insane and brain numbing... Like I said, its hard to not compare these two movies...
Besides that, to top The Dark Knight, Nolan seemed to overdo certain aspects that this movie appeared to be a bit bloated or pretentious...
Luckily, the flaws were not too major and I was able to enjoy the movie to the fullest...
I was most excited when the ending came... I told myself, "Damn... the ending is the beginning of something new..."... Like what my friend Adi and my brother in law, Bayep said, there might be a spin off featuring Robin or Nightwing...
Detective Blake mentioned about "a giant alligator in the sewers"... My heart screamed Killer Croc!! Possible hint for the spin off?? We shall wait and see...

The verdict is, I think that The Dark Knight Rises is awesome and epic... I enjoyed the twist and turn in story line, I loved the action scenes, the cast was epic, the ending got me psyched... I love it... I love it...
4 out of 5 stars