"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"

Merida (Kelly MacDonald) was a princess with a boyish personality and rebellious attitude... Her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), spent most of her time shaping Merida into a perfect queen... However, Merida refused to bow to the queen's plans for her and chose to create her own destiny...

You really cannot deny the fact that PIXAR is one of the best animation creators in the movie industry... That's why it's kinda hard for me to resist watching its latest production, Brave... Others who watched it before me insisted that this movie is a worthy watch as they stated that it's really heart warming and fun... Furthermore, it has been receiving superb reviews from both professional and amateur critics...
The first thing that I noticed about this movie is how beautiful the animation was... I was amazed by how wonderful Merida's extremely wavy hair looked... The landscape design was also flawless... The amazing view of the forest and tall mountains were so refreshing to the eyes...
Apart from that, I personally think that this movie was quite predictable in terms of story... Compared to other PIXAR's creations such as Up and Wall-E, there's so little aspects in Brave that could be labelled as groundbreaking most probably because the producers tried hard to maintain it as a fairy tale like story...
However, I'm not indicating that it's not an entertaining movie... Despite the mediocre story line, I did enjoy most of the scenes especially the part when Merida taught her 'mother' how to catch salmons or sockeyes upstream... That part was adorable...
The male characters contributed most of the humor... Merida's father and three kings were amusing to watch because they're so silly... I wished that the competition between three princes would lasted longer because the guys were so colourful in personality... If there's a sequel coming, I demanded those three to be in it as main roles...

Heartwarming and fun but a little predictable in terms of story... A great movie for its target audience - kids... Beautiful animation, an eye candy definitely... Yes, that kinda sums it all :-P
3 out of 5 stars