Baby Ubaid is currently learning how to crawl... Well, actually, he has nearly perfected his crawling skill, just need to learn how to use his hands to move forward more effectively...
He's also learned how to climb our bed headboard... He seems so happy every time he manages to pull himself up with his chubby hands & stand on his two chubby feet... Just look at that smile... That's a smile of accomplishment!

I'm so amazed to see him acquiring new skills so quickly... A few weeks ago, he was just beginning to roll around... Now, he's already standing on both feet... I wonder how fast would he learn how to walk & talk...
Wifey & I encourage him to take baby steps... Literally & figuratively... We avoid putting him in a walker because according to a friend of mine, walkers aren't good for babies... He read an article stating that babies who are put into walkers tend to progress slower in speaking & reading compared to those who learn how to walk without assist tools... It's because babies who are put into walkers would skip a few steps of natural development... They would skip crawling...
Therefore, we give Ubaid as much as space possible to acquire skills on his own... Normally, wifey will just let him do whatever he wants on our bed... He rolls, crawls, sits, purposely falls, & does everything he wants without us assisting him...