The story took place in the future where earth had been extremely polluted and overpopulated... The wealthiest among humans built Elysium - a peaceful, clean & beautiful place for them to live... Citizens of Elysium were all healthy because the medical technology there was so advanced... Only selected humans could live there while the rest of humanity struggled for survival on barren earth... Max (Matt Damon), an earth citizen fell terminally ill... In order to cure his illness, he must find a way to get to Elysium...

This movie is directed by Neill Blomkamp - the one who brought you District 9... For me, there was indeed a District 9 feel when I watched Elysium because of the place setting (barren, apocalyptic earth), gore & pacing...
If I want to compare Elysium with District 9, I would definitely say that the latter is better in terms of story... But when it comes to other aspects, both are almost awesomely great...
Okey, first, the story... What I dislike about it is that there are too much lucky coincidences... It's very convenient for everyone in the story especially the lead, Max, to coincidentally hijacked & robbed the person carrying a history changing luggage! I really hate coincidences in movies...
Well, that is the only thing that I want to complain about...
The visual effects are awesome! What I love the most is the advanced weapons & visually stunning fight scenes... Love the power shield... Love the moment when Max shot a droid & the slow mo effect of it being obliterated... Love the cool aircrafts... CGI orgasm!
Action sequences are cool & engaging...
Matt Damon, being as badass as he is, delivered a brilliant performance as Max... The other character that I love is Kruger - played by Sharlto Copley... Yeah, Copley... The lead of District 9... He made a wicked twisted bad guy...

Bottom line is, I love this movie! The CGI is great... The action's even better... Brilliant performance by the actors... It's just that, in my humble opinion, the story could be made better by reducing the number of lucky coincidences...
4 out of 5 stars