Feeling responsible on the death of Gwen Stacy's father, Peter Parker a.k.a Spidey (Andrew Garfield) was reluctant to really commit in being in love with Gwen (Emma Stone) and being a superhero at the same time. This resulted in a complicated love conflict between him & Gwen. Making it difficult for him was the appearance of a powerful enemy, Max Dillon a.k.a Electro (Jamie Foxx) & the return of his childhood best friend, Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) who later transformed himself into Green Goblin.
I have to say that I was pretty excited to see this movie since the success of the first one. Making me more excited was the grand promotion. Sneak peeks, trailers, geeky news... you name it. Every update made me say, "Dammit, enough teasing and show me the whole movie already!"
Okey, so, what's my verdict on this one? Lets see...
The thing that I love the most about this movie is the chemistry between Andrew Garfield & Emma Stone. I just couldn't stop smiling every time the couple were together on screen. They're just freakin' adorable. It's like the movie should be renamed: Peter Parker's Sweet Love Story. They're so awesome in portraying their characters.
As Harry Osborn, Dane DeHaan did a good job. But as Green Goblin, hmm... meh. Dane could be a bit over the top in times. The same thing can be said about Jamie Foxx's performance. As Max Dillon, he's kinda amusing. However, when he's Electro, the good acting vibe disappeared a bit. Probably because of the heavy visual effects on his whole body.
Story wise, this movie is pretty much predictable & quite messy. I think that they tried to put too much into it. The first movie was really good because it's simple and yet awesomely developed. Whereas, in this one, they tried to cramp in three stories together; origin of Electro, origin of Green Goblin & Spidey's love life. There's no focus.
A big plus for the humorous and annoying Spidey talks during battles. Just like in the comic books.
I love the action scenes when there's not much of CGI effects which are scarce. Most action scenes are computer generated. I love CGI, but too much of it can result in the lack of excitement of action. Though I can say that the CGI effects look flawless & beautiful.
I think comic book fans jizzed in their pants because there are scenes hinting on Sinister Six spin-off.

In conclusion, I love the love story between Peter & Gwen mostly because Andrew & Emma are awesome, I dislike the messy & predictable story line, there should be less CGI in action scenes. Enjoyable nonetheless.
7 out of 10 stars.

I didn't enjoy the first one and still kinda of undecided on this edition. But I do agree with most of your points here.