Tips for CSGO Noobs / Newbies. How to Rank Up and Get Out of Silver
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Hello guys. First of all, to start, I would like you to know that I just started Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) this year in February.
Therefore, you can say that I am just a noob. However, I ranked up today.
GOLD NOVA 4! What the fuck!
So, yeah. In around 6 months, I managed to rank up from master silver elite 3 to gold nova 2, then gold nova 3 and today, gold nova 4! I think this is quite great because I never expected to rank up so fast. When I first started, I thought that I would stay in silver for about a year or two.
Therefore, here are some tips that I can give to fellow noobs out there on how to rank up and get out of silver.
I love Deathmatch mode. In fact, before I hopped in Competitive, I spent almost two months (around 9 hours per week) just playing Deathmatch because I felt anxious about having to communicate with people in Competitive matches. It's a problem for me as I have social anxiety. I hate answering phones. Besides, the pressure of having people watch you play was rather overwhelming. Therefore, for the first couple of months, I just played Deathmatch.
Though, it's not in vain. Through Deathmatch, I learned how to control my spray, how to react when there are multiple enemies coming at the same time, how to check corners and be alert with my surroundings and how to use all weapons.
I usually just enable the random weapon mode so whenever I spawn, I get a random weapon. At first, it was hard because I hated the machine guns, sniper rifles and shot guns. But after all those rounds of Deathmatch, I can say that I am comfortable using all weapons. PP Bizon? Just spray and pray. Sawed Off? Close range body shots. AWP? Pfft. Just aim and BAM! One shot one kill.
I'm not saying that I am good with all weapons. I mentioned that I feel comfortable using them. Meaning, it is not a hard as I first started the game. I now know what to do with whatever that is thrown at me.
However, the drawback is, you cannot practice nades in Deathmatch mode.
Okay, so after a couple of months, I finally had the courage to try Competitive mode. Since I don't really have friends, I went in solo and it was terrible.
As a total noob, I sucked big time. The Deathmatch mode helped me with my accuracy. I found that I often hit long distance targets no matter what my weapon was. Though, when it comes to strategy and patience, I failed horribly.
As a result, I was kicked from matches so many times. My teammates called me cruel names and brought me down. I lost so many matches in a row and IT WAS HELL.
Everything got better and better after I met this guy. This Rishu guy who claimed himself as from Dubai was extremely nice. He saw my potential and helped me win many matches. He made my gaming experience better because in a world full of toxic silvers, he shone his kindness towards me. He praised me a lot on my skills and he taught me many things on how to clutch.
He was good in the game too. He helped me win 10 games in just a week to get a rank.
My point is, if you have a friend who is very good in CSGO, then play together with him. You will rank up much faster.
Besides, if you have a friend in game, you won't be kicked so easily since your friend (or friends) would back you up.
If you don't have real friends that play CSGO (like me), then look for one while in matches. When you found that someone who you think can carry you to higher ranks, then friend him/her. Be nice to the person. Drop him weapons. Listen to his instructions. Make some jokes.
As I mentioned before, I have social anxiety and having people watching my every move in game is nerve wrecking.
However, I found that if I don't really focus on winning, I would perform better. The pressure to clutch often make me panic and thus do stupid things such as peeking widely instead of just hiding when defending a bomb.
It was after a few months I asked myself: "Do I want to win or do I want to have fun?" Welp, I decided that I want to have fun. When there is pressure to win, I am more calm and thus I react more maturely in game.
Having chill team members also help. I have went through many matches where my team members were being so chill and fun. We cracked jokes and laughed at each other's mistakes instead of getting salty. When I have a chill and fun team, I would perform better because I feel less pressured.
What I mean by playing consistently is you must not leave the game for too long. Try to play at least 3 times a week. It is because you will rank up faster if you play more often.
Okay, so those are among the tips for you silvers out there to rank up! I hope you would find them useful. Thank you