Balcony moments...
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Me, hanging out at the balcony...
Staring at the Eye on Malaysia from far...
Wondering how unfair life can be...
How unfair that I can just sit here all day
with nothing going on in my mind...
While people in Gaza are running for their lives...
Avoiding bombings...
Dodging Bullets...
Trying to survive...
Staring at the Eye on Malaysia from far...
Wondering how unfair life can be...
How unfair that I can just sit here all day
with nothing going on in my mind...
While people in Gaza are running for their lives...
Avoiding bombings...
Dodging Bullets...
Trying to survive...

When will the war ends?
dlam byk2 entry ko, aku plg suka tajuk ni..
ReplyDeleteKo da besar ~ da matang : akhirnya ko berpikiran tentang ni jgak...
dan aku jugak sependapat ngn ko..
aku jugak xsangke ko pn pikir psal bnda ni kn?
aku respect ko pamie..
actly, byk benda yg aku da figure psal war ni, cume pnjang 1 ari nnt ko akn paham kenapa MANUSIA BERPERANG ~
Ko kan ninja boy ; hahaha, psikology akan menjawab..
nak berperang pun agak2 la...
ReplyDelete500++ orang mati...
takde sorang askar pun terkorban
semua orang awam...
Amerika plak gi sokong diorang...
Polis dunia konon...
17 askar israel terkorban ~ aku br dpt info nih : konfirm..!!
ReplyDeleteamerika? They're f**king the police..ko layan kan suda..hahaha..!!