Good Morning - Zulfahmi Ab Salam

Good Morning

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The thing I loved the most being at home in Terengganu was the routine I did every morning... I would wake up the sounds of chickens cocking around 6.30 am, rejuvenated myself with a refreshing and cooling bath, Subuh prayer, opened the windows and finally the best part, sat on my favorite long couch while tuning in to the most recent music videos on MTV and had a little laugh watching The Simpsons and Two and Half Men on StarWorld...

There were once when I opened the window, I was shocked to the a load of green all around... It was like my eyes have been shot with green colored bullets from a shotgun... Trees and flowers could be seen almost everywhere and not to mention the flowers mom planted all around the house... It was beautiful... I could even see butterflies flying around while small birds chasing each other, making wonderful chirpings... All of these together were enough to put a little smile on my face in the early morning...

I also remember the time when I was touched by the first ray of sunlight one day... It was around 7 am and I was sweeping the trash in front of my grocery store... the surroundings were quite dim and quite, only the collision between my rake and the tarred ground could be heard... then, in an instant, a ray of light suddenly blinded me for a few seconds... When I regained sight once more, I was amazed to find myself in the spotlight of the sky...

Ahh... Waking up late is great but the feeling of waking up early is far more satisfying sometimes...


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  1. Pamiey!!
    aku dah tagged hang, so g jawab soalan2 aku eh...
