Starbucks - Zulfahmi Ab Salam


Sunday, July 19, 2009

A few years back, before coming to Melaka, I never thought that a price of a drink could reach as high as RM10.00...

Sekarang, kalau kau cakap air kosong segelas harga RM10.oo pun akan aku percaya...

Last week, my girl and I finally got our Hazelnut Hot Chocolate (after months of waiting)... The taste of it was umpphh sedap lemak berkrim... the whipped cream on top just added the taste of heaven...

Ditambah pula dengan perasaan nikmat memakan kek Tiramisu yang lembut dan manis... Dialun lagi dengan irama lagu hits Micheal Jackson (mana - mana pun pasang lagu Micheal Jackson)...

It felt... sweet :-)

Love to hang out at Starbucks in Dataran Pahlawan... the feeling of that place just makes you wanna hang out for long, doing nothing but sipping on its coffee...


I love u girl...

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