Finally, after waiting for so long, my most anticipated movie of the month of June is finally showing and it surely didn't disappoint! It was awesome!!
Basically, the story was about the origin of the most influential and visionary mutants of the X-Men series - Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr)... It disclosed about history between those - how did the meet and befriend each other, what triggered the decades of war and disagreement between them and why they chose their own stands on the human race...
The Clever Story
I wouldn't dare say that the story is according to the comic books for there are so many versions of X-Men available through out the decades because they are all created by different artists (modern and old)... However, I could assure u that the most important essence is there...
What I meant was even though the plot might not be the same as in the comic books but the true origin of how X-Men was established was shown brilliantly... On what basis was it founded and why it kept on running and expanding? They were all answered at the end of the movie... Heck, they even managed to explain why Beast is always blue... Therefore, for those who have no idea about what X-Men is all about and have never seen all of the other series of the movie, I suggest that First Class is the right movie to start if u wanna be more involved with all future X-Men projects including the next origin movies...
I guess the success of the story lies on the effort and brilliance of the new director for X-Men, Matthew Vaughn, whose previous projects are Stardust and Kick Ass which is one of my favorites... The pacing, the flow, character introduction and development, story line... All of them are well crafted and combined to be a great piece of art... I'm sure many would agree that this is the best among all other X-Men movie series...
The truth is, I was really glad that they made this movie because most people don't about the real reason behind the intentions of Professor X trying to co-exist with humans and Magneto trying to destroy them... (Spoiler) Professor X, though a mutant, had never suffered as much as other mutants have and the way of he lived his life was more like a normal human being for he could easily hide his abilities... Deep down inside, a huge part of him believed that he's still human and he wanted the rest of his kind to feel the same way... The feeling was essential in taking the first step towards co-existence...
Whereas, Magneto was raised not as a human but more as a lab rat for the sake of humanity development in power... His mother was shot in front of him and he was experimented with numerous cruel ways in order for him to manifest his powers to be further utilized... His history had paved him a root of full of vengeance and hate towards humanity... First, his personal mission was to kill Sebastian Shaw - the one first discovered his potential as a mutant and the one who had granted him so much suffering... However, later on, Shaw's intention creating a better world for mutants by eradicating the whole human race inspired Magneto to be who he is in the present day...
Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon)
I also would like to praise the perfect blend of fiction with reality where the events in this movie were related to the real historical happening happened the almost ancient times... For example, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Germany invasion era...
The Main Casts
The most exceptional performance as an actor goes to Michael Fassbender who previous role was in the Inglorious Basterds... He was brilliant as the young Magneto... Besides that, Jame McAvoy who was the main role in the movie Wanted, deserved to be the runner up for he was great as the young Professor X... Superb actors!!
Kevin Bacon's appearance was a surprise for me and Ridhwan because we didn't expect him to be in the movie... He made a great psychotic bad guy for his devilish stare and grin...
Wolverine's "Go Fuck Yourself" was epic... Epic cameo!
The Portrayal of the Young Professor X
If I were asked to choose which mutant would I want to be, Professor X would be the last thing I would choose... (Just admit it, u thought the same too...) That was before I saw this movie... It turned out that he can do more than just reading people's mind and finding other mutants via Cerebro if it's not for his paralysis... He was great in this movie - being among the front liners in battle, exploring others' potential, stopping most powerful enemies, manipulating others... By this, we know that he would have gladly joined other fellow mutants in battle if it weren't for his physical deformity... That's why we have Jean Grey...
Special Effects
The special effects were great... I loved the scene when Erik lifted up Shaw's submarine... Not to mention, Emma Frost's appearance was also sparkly... The super powers were portrayed with total awesomeness!
Beast's Makeup

It looked fake... the good thing is, he gained ferocity...
X-Men : First Class is indeed a first class movie for it's good direction and great selection of casts... I guess, compared to the other X-Men movie series, First Class did not focus too much in the climatic battle which made it better as a whole... I now look forward for more X-Men movie series and cannot wait to see what in store in the next installment...
Though I do regret the fact that Deadpool might not be getting it's own origin movie because Ryan Reynolds is now The Green Lantern... Next up, most probably another Wolverine arc, or the sequel for First Class, or the origin of Storm... If it's going to be Storm, then I predict a lot more of childhood suffering stories...
4 out of 5 stars...