Underworld : Awakening (2012) - Zulfahmi Ab Salam

Underworld : Awakening (2012)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Finally, the fourth installment of the Underworld movie series is now showing! Step aside Twilight fags... Let real vampires and werewolves (and hybrids) show you how to be cool and deadly...


The underworld war between the Vampires and Lycans (werewolves) had taken a new turn after human forces discovered the existence of both superior races and retaliated... Humans launched an all out attack on both Vampires and Lycans pushing them into the verge of existence... Selene (Kate Beckinsale) was caught in the war and held prisoner by the humans for experimental purposes... After 12 years being frozen in a laboratory, Selene was freed by a captive named Subject 2... 


Bad-Ass Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale is freakin' hot in tight leather suit... but it's not her looks that impress me most... It's her ability to bring out the physicality of the character Selene... She was tough and bad-ass with her awesome stunts and cool moves... 


It doesn't need a genius to figure out that Underworld : Awakening is focused on action solely... This movie is action packed as all mythological creatures have a chance to show how fierce and powerful they are... What I loved to see the most was Selene's sort of ninja moves... At first u see her a few hundred metres away and next thing u know, she's behind u slicing throat... 

Subject 2's Transformation

It scared the shit out of me...


The Pace

My lovely wife, who watched this movie with me, commented that the pace was too fast... Just when she wanted to enjoy and submerge deeper into the heart of a particular scene, the story suddenly shifted into another sequence... I agreed... It made me wonder, "What's the rush??"... Why did the producers were too eager to end the movie at 1 hour and 28 minutes when they could just extend it to the level of perfection in terms of pacing? Hmmm... Is it to make the battles more engaging? or they wanted to limit the non-action scenes? 

Emotionless Kate Beckinsale

Yeah, Kate excelled with flying colours when it comes to badassery and coolness... However, she failed to create heartfelt emotions in scenes that was supposed to be "touching"... For example, when Subject 2 revealed that how emotionless Selene was even after she'd learnt about the true connection between them, Kate couldn't portray true emotions and thus screwing the scene... 

No Human Action

I was hoping that the humans put up more fight... I wanted to see a human hero overpowering vampires and Lycans... Yeah, it would be awesome to see a normal but muscular person beating the shit out of the monsters... However, in the end, humans are still the inferior ones... 


If u've watched the rest of the Underworld series (especially the first two movies), then u'll definitely know what to expect from Awakening... There are plenty of engaging action sequences and filled with cool vampire werewolf stuff... I've watched all of the previous ones and I love them all and thus, this one is a big treat for me... That's why I kept bugging my wife about how much I wanted to watch this movie... If u don't like the previous installment, then don't bother watching... 

3 out of 5 stars...

By the way, looks like PM Najib is true to his words... No more censorship on foreign movies... Jyyeah!! No more nude and extremely gory scenes being cut out... Yeay~ 

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