"Hulk? Smash!"

Loki (Tom Hiddleston) arrived on earth with a mission - to steal the Tesseract and wage war against the humans... Standing between him and his bloody invasion were Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and S.H.I.E.L.D...

Marvel's The Avengers (or Avengers Assemble) is unarguably the biggest 2012 movie so far... Though I'm not a Marvel fan (I would choose the Justice League over Avengers), but I've seen all of its movies - Iron Man 1 & 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Captain America : The First Avenger, therefore, I just can't afford to miss this one...
The Hilarity
Kudos to the director and script writers for successfully winning laughs from the audience with clever dialogues and physical humor... Yes, this movie is entertainingly funny!
Note that Tony Stark wasn't the only one who contributed the verbal jokes... I personally love the part when Thor answered Black Widow's allegation on Loki by simply saying, "He's adopted..." That one cracked up the audience hard...
What made audience laughed even harder was the part when Loki angrily yelled at the Hulk... "I am a God!! I am not going to be bullied by a [DUMM! BLAMM!! DUSH!!]..."
The Story
The plot was quite engaging because the build up before the epic conclusion was tense... The heroes didn't just sprung into action as soon as they assembled... Instead, because of their difference in philosophy and approach, Loki managed to get inside their heads and turned them against each other... Hulk made everyone nervous especially during the heroes' tense blame game...
The Action
Four superheroes against an army from another realm... Of course the action must be made big! Awesome director is awesome... Joss Whedon didn't simply blow up everything aimlessly... He carefully paced the movie to give every character a fair chance to shine... All Avengers got their own moment of epicness in battle... Even Black Widow and Hawkeye had their own awesome action moments...
Loki FTW!
Since the movie Thor, I've always adored Tom Hiddleston and in this movie, he didn't disappoint... His every appearance was a treat for me because I love that sinister smile and crazy talk... Thanks to writers for giving him awesome lines to work with... His best scene would be when he tried to get inside of Black Widow's head... Even though at that moment he sorta fell for Natasha's act, but his performance just mesmerized me...
I love his head gear :-P

Before the showing, the biggest concern that I had about this movie was will the director be able to provide each of the main characters fair amount of screen time without abandoning their backstories with the right pacing... Well, Joss Whedon managed to successfully address that issue and created quite a masterpiece...
I also resented the fact that Edward Norton not being the Hulk but Mark Ruffalo did such a great job...
My wife drooled over Chris Evans... I did too...
The best 2012 movie so far!!
4 out of 5 stars~

Been hearing nothing but rave reviews about this movie. Maybe I'll give it a shot after all...
ReplyDeleteI was kinda bumped too about Edward Norton but Mark Ruffalo does a good show vulnerability side of Bruce Banner that is so raw and beautiful to watch...but hands down, Iron Man, cracks me up!!!