"The ceremony was rather small but it can be a start of something good..."
That's what I thought of today's event happened at Dewan Besar PSMZA where I was given the role of an usher for VIP guests... In case the picture above isn't clear enough, the ceremony was about the signing of treaty of cooperation between PSMZA and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)...
While waiting for the ceremony to start, I took a glance at a few posters put up on the walls of the hall... One of them caught my interest because it was about the transformation plan of PSMZA and its future plans...
While waiting for the ceremony to start, I took a glance at a few posters put up on the walls of the hall... One of them caught my interest because it was about the transformation plan of PSMZA and its future plans...
Apparently, PSMZA is aiming towards major upgrades and the goal is gain the title of Polytechnic University by 2015 which is about 3 years from now...
I have to say that it's a very excellent transformation plan and I'm hoping that I can be a part of the transformation... The cooperation with UMP would certainly be an advantage in the process... Both institutions can exchange knowledge, expertise and facilities for greater good...
However, I would like to comment on something which is relevant to the transformation plan... From my observation as a lecturer, I can easily say that the facilities available for teaching and learning are in need of major upgrades...
I'm not so sure on the condition of engineering related equipment and facilities, but as an English lecturer, the classrooms here are not conducive for learning... Most classrooms are equipped with fans and therefore, windows must be opened at all times to make sure there's flow in air so that the temperature won't be warm... However, opening the windows invites so many distractions from outside of the classroom... For instance, whenever it rains or windy, I had to raise my voice in order for my students could hear me... It would be worse if there are people cutting the grass... WEEEOOOOMMM WEEEOOOOOMMMM!!! How can students learn peacefully with that much of distraction?
Furthermore, the fans are not helping with the scorching heat especially when the drought comes... I've witnessed students sweating until the back of their shirts were drenched while answering exam questions in the classrooms...
My suggestion would be to install air conditioners in every classroom to avoid the problems mentioned from occurring...
Maintenance is also important... I see so many classes with fans and lights left unfixed through out the whole semester... On Thursdays last semester, I taught in a dark classroom because it's 8.00 am and the lights weren't working...
Actually, the lack of maintenance doesn't just occur in the classrooms, but it also happens at my office... The air conditioners at my office often break down and that makes working uncomfortable... The wiring in the building is messed up judging from the occasional trips... My head of department had made complaints about it and urged the maintenance department to do something about the problems... However, only minor fixes had been made and the problem continues... It took the maintenance guys months to just come and replace the lights at my office, so maybe it would take years for them to re-wire everything...
Modernization has greatly evolved ways of teaching and learning and therefore, technology now is an important medium... I would suggest that computers and projectors are made available in each classroom so that lecturers and students can do presentations using Powerpoint Presentations, videos and digital pictures... So far, all classrooms are not equipped with projectors and therefore, lecturers have to carry them along with laptops from their offices to the classrooms... I pity the ones who are pregnant...
Computers at my office are limited... There are only 7 computers available and they are used by more than 20 staff... I have to wait for other lecturers to finish their work before I can print a single file...
There are no computer labs for students to use outside class time to do assignments and research... Though many have their own laptops, but there are a number of students who can't afford one...
Actually, there are more things that I want to comment on regarding the facilities especially on the use of library but from the lines above, I think my message is clear... Before gaining the title of university, PSMZA must do major upgrades to make teaching and learning process more effective...
All the best PSMZA!
I have to say that it's a very excellent transformation plan and I'm hoping that I can be a part of the transformation... The cooperation with UMP would certainly be an advantage in the process... Both institutions can exchange knowledge, expertise and facilities for greater good...
However, I would like to comment on something which is relevant to the transformation plan... From my observation as a lecturer, I can easily say that the facilities available for teaching and learning are in need of major upgrades...
I'm not so sure on the condition of engineering related equipment and facilities, but as an English lecturer, the classrooms here are not conducive for learning... Most classrooms are equipped with fans and therefore, windows must be opened at all times to make sure there's flow in air so that the temperature won't be warm... However, opening the windows invites so many distractions from outside of the classroom... For instance, whenever it rains or windy, I had to raise my voice in order for my students could hear me... It would be worse if there are people cutting the grass... WEEEOOOOMMM WEEEOOOOOMMMM!!! How can students learn peacefully with that much of distraction?
Furthermore, the fans are not helping with the scorching heat especially when the drought comes... I've witnessed students sweating until the back of their shirts were drenched while answering exam questions in the classrooms...
My suggestion would be to install air conditioners in every classroom to avoid the problems mentioned from occurring...
Maintenance is also important... I see so many classes with fans and lights left unfixed through out the whole semester... On Thursdays last semester, I taught in a dark classroom because it's 8.00 am and the lights weren't working...
Actually, the lack of maintenance doesn't just occur in the classrooms, but it also happens at my office... The air conditioners at my office often break down and that makes working uncomfortable... The wiring in the building is messed up judging from the occasional trips... My head of department had made complaints about it and urged the maintenance department to do something about the problems... However, only minor fixes had been made and the problem continues... It took the maintenance guys months to just come and replace the lights at my office, so maybe it would take years for them to re-wire everything...
Modernization has greatly evolved ways of teaching and learning and therefore, technology now is an important medium... I would suggest that computers and projectors are made available in each classroom so that lecturers and students can do presentations using Powerpoint Presentations, videos and digital pictures... So far, all classrooms are not equipped with projectors and therefore, lecturers have to carry them along with laptops from their offices to the classrooms... I pity the ones who are pregnant...
Computers at my office are limited... There are only 7 computers available and they are used by more than 20 staff... I have to wait for other lecturers to finish their work before I can print a single file...
There are no computer labs for students to use outside class time to do assignments and research... Though many have their own laptops, but there are a number of students who can't afford one...
Actually, there are more things that I want to comment on regarding the facilities especially on the use of library but from the lines above, I think my message is clear... Before gaining the title of university, PSMZA must do major upgrades to make teaching and learning process more effective...
All the best PSMZA!
letter to director? haha. but i wouldn't be too hopeful if i were you. physical development means more money and more money means more time. but who knows? maybe dapat durian runtuh. hehe. besides the one at nilai, tempat adik aku, the facilities is actually better than uitm's beb.