"I am the law"

Dredd (Karl Urban) was assigned to assess rookie judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlby) out in the field... They responded to a murder report at a 200 storey tower, Peach Trees... What is thought to be just a normal gang bust turned out to be a deadly mission as they were trapped in the tower and hunted down by most of the residents...

Movie fans would just can't resist comparing this version to Sly's... Despite the scepticisms thrown by classic lovers, I was pretty excited about this movie simply because my love of the comic book and I expected it to be action packed... What I anticipated the most was awesome motorcycle chases and advanced technology in weaponry... Not to mention, I also wanted to see high level of badassness from Judge Dredd...
Well, Dredd turned out to be quite engaging to watch... What I love the most about this movie is in its plot... Being trapped in a fortress with no back up and limited ammo, the duo had no choice but to strike the core of the menace at the top floor... Getting up was not easy as there were armed gang members on each floor looking for them...
The action scenes were superb... I couldn't help comparing it to The Raid: Redemption (Serbuan Maut) because the story line and place setting was almost identical... Though in Dredd there was less fighting and more gunshots...
I love the SLO MO effects especially the slow fall to the death...
[The below paragraph contains spoilers]
I got one complaint though... Judge Dredd in this movie is not Dredd enough... He lacks badassness... For instance, when the thugs rained him machine gun bullets, he was supposed to smoke 'em dead before they got a chance to do anything... NOT RUN... Hey, Dredd is supposed to be legendary... like Rambo... The part when he was shot was frustrating to watch because he did nothing... Instead, he let a rookie stole the kill... Olivia Thirlby as Anderson robbed the spotlight from Urban which is pretty ironic since the title is DREDD... It seems that they should just change the title to "Dredd and Anderson"...
Have I mentioned to u that Olivia was extremely cute in this movie?
The bad guy... I mean, bad girl deserves praises for her act of violence... Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) really fits the character of a ruthless criminal mind...
All in all, Dredd is a good movie... Action packed, a bit gory (bloody and... fleshy), and I love Judge Anderson... The minus point is that they need to work more on Dredd character... Give him more tough guy clichés like walking away from explosion and not giving a fuck to fancy machine guns...
I love the SLO MO effects especially the slow fall to the death...
[The below paragraph contains spoilers]
I got one complaint though... Judge Dredd in this movie is not Dredd enough... He lacks badassness... For instance, when the thugs rained him machine gun bullets, he was supposed to smoke 'em dead before they got a chance to do anything... NOT RUN... Hey, Dredd is supposed to be legendary... like Rambo... The part when he was shot was frustrating to watch because he did nothing... Instead, he let a rookie stole the kill... Olivia Thirlby as Anderson robbed the spotlight from Urban which is pretty ironic since the title is DREDD... It seems that they should just change the title to "Dredd and Anderson"...
Have I mentioned to u that Olivia was extremely cute in this movie?
The bad guy... I mean, bad girl deserves praises for her act of violence... Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) really fits the character of a ruthless criminal mind...

All in all, Dredd is a good movie... Action packed, a bit gory (bloody and... fleshy), and I love Judge Anderson... The minus point is that they need to work more on Dredd character... Give him more tough guy clichés like walking away from explosion and not giving a fuck to fancy machine guns...
3 out of 5 stars