Finally, after 27 days being warded at Hospital Serdang, my wifey gave birth to a very cute baby boy who we proudly named Muhammad Ubaid... I am so happy that everything went great and my wifey and baby are safe :-)
Well, here's what really happened...
Reaching 37 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor told wifey that they're gonna induce her on November 19th (Monday) so she will go for early delivery... The method of induction is used when pregnancy is risky and early delivery is the best option... According to the doctor, there are two ways induction can be carried out which are through injection and IV drip... Though, I'm not so sure about what kind of chemicals or substance used for induction... I guess it's kinda like a hormone substance that "open up the path" for delivery...
However, before the induction was carried out that Monday morning, the doctor discovered that the "pathway" had opened naturally for 2 cm... It was like, wifey's body and the baby knew it was an appropriate time to go for it...
At this level, I could see it on wifey's expression that it hurt badly... I can't really describe to you how sad and sorry I was that she had to go through all of the pain... She told me that if it's for the baby, the pain and hardship are worth the burden...
I didn't want to leave her side but the hospital only allows visits from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm on weekdays... Reluctantly, I left her ward and waited at the hospital lobby...
We communicated via our cell phones and she constantly said that the pain was so overwhelming, she nearly fainted... She even puked...
I prayed and prayed that Allah would make it less painful for her...
She asked for painkillers but it took forever for the nurses to give them to her...
It was around 11.00 pm when I decided to say "Fuck the hospital rules, I want to be with my wife..."
When I finally reached her room, I saw that she's relieved that I came... I immediately massaged her back, held her hand, gave her something to drink... I did everything I could do to ease her pain even for a little bit... It was heartbreaking to see her almost at the edge of her limit...
I went to the nurses because the painkillers never came... They went in and did another check up to decide whether wifey really needed the painkillers or not... Suddenly, one of them told me to get baby's stuff and wait at the labor room... "This is it...", I thought... Ready or not, gotta man up for wifey...
Turned out that the "pathway" was 6 cm wide (or long, I don't know) at that moment... I use the term "pathway" because people keep referring to it as "jalan"... The nurses sent wifey from the ward at level 5 of the building to the labor room situated at level 2...
Looks like the decision to came to the hospital regardless of the visiting hours limitation was the right decision after all because I was able to be with her all the way...
Wifey got what she really wished for - a natural childbirth... Actually, all women desire to give birth naturally rather than the Caesarean section or C sec... Natural childbirth takes a lot less time to heal and leaves little to no scars...
I was there, in the room, supporting her, encouraging her...
Wifey asked me after the childbirth, "What did you feel at that moment?"
I told her, I felt very excited... kinda nervous... but pretty excited...
The truth is, I didn't know what I felt... In my mind at that time was to ignore all the blood and other body fluids coming from her and focus on giving moral support and encouragement... What I really sure is that I was not afraid, not shaken even a bit... I was very calm...
There was a bit of a problem with the baby's birth...
My wifey pushed hard but not in the right way thus the baby kinda stuck for a moment... The doctor kept telling her, "Cara awak teran ni salah! Teran macam nak berak, mulut jangan bukak, kepala angkat tengok depan! Ambil nafas dalam-dalam and push!"... Luckily I was there and I asked her to follow doctor's instruction... "Honey, tarik nafas and push!! Tarik nafas and pushh!!"... She finally got it right and the baby came out!
Baby Ubaid didn't cry as soon as he got out...
The nurse took him away immediately to suck the fluids blocking his throat... The slight delay in birth caused that to happen... I followed the nurse and I could see her using some kind of sucking device on the baby... She referred to it as "suction"...
Everything felt great as soon as I heard Ubaid's cry for the first time... He's really a fighter...
Ubaid's pretty strong too... He knocked a bowl filled with the fluid sucked from his stomach out of the nurse's hand and made her pants wet... He even turned sideways without any help... Small but fiery, this baby... The picture below is taken less than 30 minutes after the delivery... Ubaid was placed under a glass tube and given oxygen... Owh! He even pushed the glass tube till it moved a bit with his tiny hands...
In movies and television shows, they always show how relieved a mother is when the baby got out and everything is all sunshine afterwards... but that's not true because for wifey, it wasn't over yet... The most painful part of the giving birth process for her was the stitching...
I was outside the labor room with the baby when I heard wifey screamed... From the opening of the curtains, I could see the doctor stitching the wound... What made it so painful was she went through it without anesthetic or epidural... She said that it's far worse than giving birth...
After the stitching part was done, the nurses brought wifey and baby Ubaid to their room at level 8 of the building... I was so glad that it's over and everything went great... Couldn't stop smiling because after all of the scares that we had, baby Ubaid came out just fine and wifey was okey too :-)
Above, Ubaid in his mak tok or grandmother's arms... Wifey's mama came to the hospital at around 6.30 am to the rescue because wifey and I had exactly no clue on what to do with Ubaid...
I mean, yeah, we knew that Ubaid must be fed but we had no idea on how to hold him... It was very very very awkward... I guess it happens to most first time parents... Luckily, mak tok was there to tell us what to do and how to do it :-P
Both wifey and baby was allowed to go home at 1.00 pm...
I would like to thank all of those who prayed for wifey and baby's safety... I really do appreciate it a lot... Again I want to express how glad I am that everything went fine... To see baby Ubaid for the first time was epic! I'm a proud father!! Can you believe it?? Wow wow wow wow... :-D
Turned out that the "pathway" was 6 cm wide (or long, I don't know) at that moment... I use the term "pathway" because people keep referring to it as "jalan"... The nurses sent wifey from the ward at level 5 of the building to the labor room situated at level 2...
Looks like the decision to came to the hospital regardless of the visiting hours limitation was the right decision after all because I was able to be with her all the way...
Wifey got what she really wished for - a natural childbirth... Actually, all women desire to give birth naturally rather than the Caesarean section or C sec... Natural childbirth takes a lot less time to heal and leaves little to no scars...
I was there, in the room, supporting her, encouraging her...
Wifey asked me after the childbirth, "What did you feel at that moment?"
I told her, I felt very excited... kinda nervous... but pretty excited...
The truth is, I didn't know what I felt... In my mind at that time was to ignore all the blood and other body fluids coming from her and focus on giving moral support and encouragement... What I really sure is that I was not afraid, not shaken even a bit... I was very calm...
There was a bit of a problem with the baby's birth...
My wifey pushed hard but not in the right way thus the baby kinda stuck for a moment... The doctor kept telling her, "Cara awak teran ni salah! Teran macam nak berak, mulut jangan bukak, kepala angkat tengok depan! Ambil nafas dalam-dalam and push!"... Luckily I was there and I asked her to follow doctor's instruction... "Honey, tarik nafas and push!! Tarik nafas and pushh!!"... She finally got it right and the baby came out!
Baby Ubaid didn't cry as soon as he got out...
The nurse took him away immediately to suck the fluids blocking his throat... The slight delay in birth caused that to happen... I followed the nurse and I could see her using some kind of sucking device on the baby... She referred to it as "suction"...
Everything felt great as soon as I heard Ubaid's cry for the first time... He's really a fighter...
Ubaid's pretty strong too... He knocked a bowl filled with the fluid sucked from his stomach out of the nurse's hand and made her pants wet... He even turned sideways without any help... Small but fiery, this baby... The picture below is taken less than 30 minutes after the delivery... Ubaid was placed under a glass tube and given oxygen... Owh! He even pushed the glass tube till it moved a bit with his tiny hands...

In movies and television shows, they always show how relieved a mother is when the baby got out and everything is all sunshine afterwards... but that's not true because for wifey, it wasn't over yet... The most painful part of the giving birth process for her was the stitching...
I was outside the labor room with the baby when I heard wifey screamed... From the opening of the curtains, I could see the doctor stitching the wound... What made it so painful was she went through it without anesthetic or epidural... She said that it's far worse than giving birth...
After the stitching part was done, the nurses brought wifey and baby Ubaid to their room at level 8 of the building... I was so glad that it's over and everything went great... Couldn't stop smiling because after all of the scares that we had, baby Ubaid came out just fine and wifey was okey too :-)

Above, Ubaid in his mak tok or grandmother's arms... Wifey's mama came to the hospital at around 6.30 am to the rescue because wifey and I had exactly no clue on what to do with Ubaid...
I mean, yeah, we knew that Ubaid must be fed but we had no idea on how to hold him... It was very very very awkward... I guess it happens to most first time parents... Luckily, mak tok was there to tell us what to do and how to do it :-P
Both wifey and baby was allowed to go home at 1.00 pm...
I would like to thank all of those who prayed for wifey and baby's safety... I really do appreciate it a lot... Again I want to express how glad I am that everything went fine... To see baby Ubaid for the first time was epic! I'm a proud father!! Can you believe it?? Wow wow wow wow... :-D

ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah :) setiap org ada cabaran masing2. Dapat x pegi hosp putrajaya?
ReplyDeleteTak sempat pergi Putrajaya :-P
ReplyDeleteApa maksudnya x sempat?
ReplyDeleteMemang dah warded kat Hospital Serdang
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah..congrats! he's sooo cute! :D
ReplyDeleteOh..i see..ok2 enjoy parenthood u guys! ;)