Jack Frost (Chris Pine) searched the world for an identity and reason of existence... For so long, he has been alone and unnoticed by everyone, doing his own thing - causing blizzards and snow and throwing snowballs, making a mess... Well, that was until Pitch Black aka the Bogeyman (Jude Law) came and terrorized children's dreams...

We are living in an era where mythical stuff can be modernized into something cool and badass... Rise of the Guardians is the best example to describe that because they turn Santa Claus from a fat old fart with beard to a fat old fart with beard and tattoos and swords and badass looking sleigh!
The idea is good and it's according to the taste today's young people...
Well, I can go easy on the movie and just say, "Hey, it's a children movie" and let the flaws pass... but, children don't read my blog... Adults do... So, I'm gonna say my opinion of this movie in adult me point of view...
Truthfully, I expected more from the movie... I mean, they could at least put a machine gun of Santa's sleigh... The production crew held back from using more imagination...
If I were a part of the production house, I would put heavy artillery and gun power on Santa's sleigh (since he's Russian and he builds mechanical stuff)... I would give Easter Bunny an army of cute yet badass bunnies (because rabbits multiply quickly)... Tooth Fairy? Easy... Scary dental equipments!! That'll surely be intimidating... Lastly, Sandman... Owh, there's so many things I could do to Sandman since he can create wonders from his sand...
Do you think my ideas are great? A bit twisted I supposed...
I also didn't like that this movie seemed a bit rushed... The amount of action time weren't really satisfying for me... It'll be better if the fights, the 'tooth race' and the 'egg painting' were more elaborated... Heck, they even don't fully show the wonders of each Guardian's palace or headquarters...
There are many moments when I feel that the movie's a bit predictable...
Nevertheless, I gotta praise the art department for creating such beautiful visuals... It's not surprising though because most animation developments tend to give so much focus on the visual part...
I love the cute elements present in the movie... The cutest of all must be those little elves... Though most people would notice that they're the same like Despicable Me's Minions... Easter Bunny without his powers was epicly cute cute cute!

All in all, I really did enjoy watching this movie... In fact, I watched it twice already... The visual is stunning, the idea of mythical Guardians turned into a badass company is brilliant, and I love the cute cute stuff... Though I wish that the production crew would elaborate more on each Guardian's powers and put more imagination into the production of the movie... Don't hold back your dreams yo! Dream big!!
3 out of 5 stars