New Year is Just Around the Corner
Friday, December 30, 2011
So, 2012 is just around the corner and most of us are either making new year resolutions or reminiscing moments they had in 2011, good or bad... I don't always make new year resolutions but there are things I look forward to have or do next year... So, here is (sort of) my wish list~
The thing that's always been on my mind ever since I was in school is to own a really cool motorcycle...

I dont really know much about superbikes and I certainly not into races... but it must be awesome to have this baby between my legs and just sprint pass by other vehicles like a boss... They see me rollin', they hatin'...
However, as the man of the house, I have put my priorities first and delay the desire to buy a superbike... The best thing for me to do is first buy a car... Yeap, superbike's cool, but a car is more practical... Though bear this in mind that it's my goal to get it before I turn 30... Motivation!!!!
People kept saying that with my paycheck, I'm able to afford more than a compact car... So, I'm taking their advice and now having my eyes set on Toyota Vios...

At first, I did consider other options like Saga FLX and Mazda2... but after consulting some of my and wifey's friends, I arrived at the conclusion that Vios is a better pick mostly because it's a Toyota, it saves fuel, and it's bigger than Myvi Lagi Best... Besides, wifey dislikes Proton cars and Mazda2's spare parts are hard to get and expensive...
Car owners and lovers, if u disagree, kindly leave a comment and suggest me some better picks... Less fuel consumption and good performance are the minimum criteria me and wifeyfey have in mind... We also opt for secondhand cars with good condition... We're being choosy but not too choosy at the same time... Well, we need to be choosy since a car is something that we'll use for years and years...
One thing that's bothering me is whether or not I can apply for a loan to buy a car as my status as an employee is still 'not permanent'... I'm under trial for a year before I get a permanent status a staff member... My colleagues said it depends on which bank I want to apply loan with... Some banks will accept it and others wont... We shall see how it is...
Since we're talking about big size loans here, I also would like to mention that I really really want to own a house... Even before marriage, I've always dream of having a house of my own where I can do whatever I want in it... My house will be a chamber of privacy... One shall not simply enter le house... I always imagine myself decorating the walls and choosing furniture at Ikea to match the carpet and I'm sounding a bit gay here... Now that I'm married, the need to have a house grows greater... My colleague told me that if I wanna buy cheap houses, I can always visit the nearest Pejabat Tanah Daerah or something... There are posters being put up there about house being auctioned by banks... Rumah Lelong... Hmm... I shall give it a try...

I'm not looking for a specific kind of house... Any kind will do... Even an apartment... Me and wifey believed that we can transform any house into a comfy home together with a bit of renovation and creativity... It will fun working on a project together...
Alright, the next thing that's on my list is a new handphone... The one I'm currently using is old and not user friendly... It's a Motorola L6... Hard to use and need time to get used to... Though I'm not quite sure which model to buy... I'm not looking for anything too fancy... I just want something with a good music player, awesome camera and has wi-fi...
Samsung Galaxy Wonder seems like a good choice... My younger brother has it and by the looks of it, he's enjoying all the apps and functions... Though the idea of having the same phone as him somehow demotivates me from making that model as a must have item... I always want something different...
Therefore, I'm thinking of getting myself a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini... Is it a sound choice? Hmm... I shall do more research...

Actually, I'm not quite excited about phones... What I'm really excited about is getting a camera... Nikon 1 seems so irresistible to me after I saw an ad of it on TV... It looks slick and cool... However, a sales person at camera store convinced me and wifey that it's an awful choice... She recommended something far better which is the Olympus PEN Mini...
It's like a miniature DSLR camera complete with portable lenses and a picture editor... Meaning, it takes awesome pictures and u don't have to transfer ur pictures into ur computer to edit them... Instead, u can just edit using the camera... U can also add effects to ur pictures before snapping them by changing the settings... Quite awesome... I was drooling when the sales person gave us a demo...
Above are all materialistic stuff... Heh, besides all of those, I also have the desire to get higher qualifications... I want to continue my study and get a Masters Degree and PhD... Like I said in my previous post, Changes in Life, I may not want to permanently stay in Terengganu... With better qualifications, it would be easier for me to make my way into local universities or maybe... foreign ones?? Hehe... It's not wrong to aim high right?
I know it's quite contradicting with me getting a house part... Well, in my defense, It's been a plan of mine since I was in college to buy several houses and then rent it out to students :-P Yup, I wanna buy more than one house... If I can buy a row of houses, I shall make it a homestay... A good retirement plan huh?
So, those are among the things I want and look for to have or achieve not just next year, but also incoming years ahead... As time pass, maybe I'll add more to my list...
Resolutions I have non... Only goals to conquer... Hmm... Are resolutions and goal the same thing? I'm not sure... but whatever...
Happy new year peeps... Have a great life ahead... Peace out
Happy new year peeps... Have a great life ahead... Peace out