Pi Patel (Suraj Sharma) survived a shipwreck and cast away at sea with a grown Bengal tiger... Yes, a freakin tiger...

When I first saw the title months ago, I thought that there's gonna be Mathematical stuff going on in this movie because of the lead's name - Pi... Well, I thought wrong... There's an amusing story behind the main character's nickname which I won't spoil it for you...
Life of Pi is the type of movie which I would rather watch alone in my room, with no distraction, not because it's light porn but because it's very deep... What I mean is, there are hidden meanings behind the stories that Pi told... Very very philosophical...
This movie brought me back to the moments when I learn about literature... It challenged me to think about the messages that the writer wanted to convey... Is it about religion? If it is, then what about it? or is it about relationships and saying goodbyes?
Basically, the storyline is awesome... No doubt about it... The story is amusing, funny, wonderful, thought provoking, mind-fucking, twisted, deep, sad, horrific, and surreal...
The thing that made me say "Fucckkkkk..." was the twist at the end part of the movie... Damn, that part blew my mind away... Which one is true???
Besides that, the visuals are stunning... It's pretty hard for me to differentiate between what's real and what's computer generated...

To summarize, I just want to say that this movie is one of the most awesome movies in 2012 and everybody should watch because of it's amazing storyline and visual effects...
4.5 out of 5 stars

Easily one of the best films of the year!