A few years ago, online dating might be something that people were ashamed of getting into. However, nowadays, online matchmaking has becoming a trend and many netizens have been successful in finding their soulmates via the Internet. One of the proofs of the success of online dating is how big Tinder has become.
Tinder is great for meeting new people and searching for romantic prospects, however lets face it, it is not quite Islamic. I can say that many use Tinder not mainly for searching their happily ever after but simply because they want a one night stand or they want to get lucky.
Welp, if you are a Muslim who is interested in searching for a mate online but don't want to go through the experience of being harassed by perverts and horny individuals, then Baituljannah is the website for you. Please click here to go to the website = Baituljannah.
Baituljannah is a matchmaking website that is syariah compliant. Besides that, it protects their users' privacy and spam free.
How is it syariah compliant and different from any other matchmaking sites? Well, once you registered and created a complete profile, Baituljannah would suggest to you individuals that might be suitable for you to choose as wives or husbands. You can interact with those people through chats in order to determine whether they are truly for you. What makes Baituljannah syariah compliant is that it monitors the interaction in order to make sure that there are no foul play or perverted messages. Therefore, you must keep the interaction clean and friendly.

Baituljannah only monitors the online interactions. If you decided to meet up with your online match, Baituljannah will not intervene or monitor that. But of course, it is advised for you to meet up with each other's family first. Dating is not advisable as it is not the Islamic way.
Besides syariah compliant, Baituljannah also protects users' privacy by not showing their names and contact information on their profiles. Your identities are secret and other people won't be able to Google your details. It also bans any sorts of spam and advertising in the online interaction.
So far, as I am typing this, there are 125,285 registered Baituljannah users and the number is growing by the minute.
Therefore, if you are interested in searching for a soulmate online, why not try Baituljannah? There is no harm in trying.