- Director: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi
- Writer: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi
- Starring: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonny Brugh. See full cast members here.
- Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mock Documentary
- Rating: Since it's a vampire movie, of course there is a lot of blood.
The lives of four modern day vampires living together in a flat in New Zealand are being documented by a filming crew.
First of all, this is a mock documentary or some would say mockumentary which means it is not real. It's a parody. Therefore, it is shot like a documentary where film crews follow the characters around and there are interviews.

This movie is indeed funny. The documentary style is executed well and really brings out the subtle comedic elements. The characters appears so serious about what they really are and it is very humorous to see. I mean, it's so weirdly funny to see a vampire doing the dishes and knitting and socializing in pubs and clubs, trying to blend in the modern society. Even dressing up proves to be quite tricky for vampires because they have no reflection in the mirror.

Even though there is a script but I learned that most of the lines are improvised by the actors which means that these actors really know what they are doing because most of the words uttered by them are hilarious. Besides that, there are well timed slapstick, and funny physical humor and facial expressions. Honestly, I am not a fan of slapstick because most of them are really really dumb but the ones in this movie really make me laugh. I can say that this movie is filled with comedic variety.

The characters are lovable. All of them are vampires but from a different era so all of them have different personalities and taste. Viago is rather pedantic and cares so much about chores, Vadislav is a lady charmer while Deacon, being the youngest of them all is rather rebellious. Oh, not to forget, Petyr, the old and grumpy mysterious one that lives downstairs.
Even the side characters are charming. I think everyone would agree that Stu is amazing. Everyone loves Stu. Besides him, Jackie, Deacon's servant also has her good moments. Haha, the werewolves are great too. I had great laughs when the werewolves show up.
Although this movie is about the undead, but it sure has a bit of warmth to it. It is so awesome to see all of the vampires hanging out like best buddies and having conflicts like what real friends do. The conflict and resolution between Deacon and Nick, the new vampire, is unexpectedly heartwarming for me.
All in all, What We Do in the Shadows is what a horror comedy should really be. It is funny without relying on dumb and offensive jokes (like most movies nowadays) and the characters are lovable.
4 out of 5 stars.