In of my previous post, I mentioned that I have just started cooking and prefer to cook anything simple. So, besides Singgang, I also love to cook nasi ayam because it's so easy and my kids love it.
So, here are the ingredients and how to cook nasi ayam or chicken rice, my way.
Black pepper
Some spices (Buah pelaga, bunga cengkih, kayu manis etc)
As stated in the Singgang post, I don't put the measurements for each ingredient because I just agak - agak. That's the Malay way of cooking. Agak - agak.
First of all, blend the chopped onions, ginger and garlic together. Don't forget to add a bit of water in before you blend.

After that, just pour the mix onto the chicken and put them all in a pot. Add water in it and boil them. How much is the water needed depends on how much soup do you want to have. Throw in the spices too. I only put the stuff I have in my kitchen which are buah pelaga, bunga cengkih and kulit kayu manis. If you have any other spices typically used in making soup, throw them in there! Don't forget the black pepper. My wife said the more the black pepper, the tastier in which I agree.

Once it's boiling, taste it. Add some salt for seasoning. Different people prefer different amount of salt, so you decide how much salt you want. When the chicken seemed cooked, the soup is done!
Next, the rice. The principle is, one cup of rice equals to two cups of soup. I always cook one and a half cup of rice so that's three cups of soup for me.

Put the rice in a pot and pour in the soup. Place the pot on a stove and turn it on. High heat first. When the soup is boiling, put the pot lid on and turn the heat down to minimum. Let it cook until the soup dry out.

Finally, we're done! Easy huh? If I feel rajin, I would take the chicken from the soup, cover them with some honey and oyster sauce and pan grill them. That would make the dish extra elevated. Besides that, you can also make some sambal and serve everything with salad.
Yum yum.