Since last year, my wife and I have been trying to get Ubaid into an archery academy or archery course. Actually it's my wife's idea because she thinks it's good for Ubaid's development and she is into archery herself. Besides, archery is one of our Phopret's sunnah so it is very good for us to involve Ubaid in.
She called a few people and looked for any promotion but most programs can only involve school kids which Ubaid is not.
Luckily, we finally managed to find the Akademi Memanah Thalhah that can cater to small kids. In fact, it is their specialty to train and encourage small kids to do archery.

My wife Azim found Thalhah in Facebook and immediately contacted the person in charge. Then, we set an appointment and went to meet the person at Thalhah's headquarters at Bangi.
The person / trainer trained Ubaid on the basics of archery like how to hold the bow and to place the arrow. Then, he guided Ubaid until he got the hang of it. That's how they do it. They would train kids or any participants until they manage to do it on their own.
We bought a set of bow and 2 arrows at the price of RM130. Now, Ubaid can do archery any time and anywhere. Well... not everywhere of course. At a safe place. We usually borrow the archery range at my work place.

Ubaid is really into it. His face just lights up every time he hits a target. Though honestly, having to train him to properly shoot can get rather frustrating sometimes since he's just 5 so his attention span is rather short but to see his face when his arrow hit anything, wow, it's priceless.
I would really recommend parents to check out Thalhah because this archery thing is oddly satisfying. I myself have tried shooting arrows at the Thalhah headquarters and the feeling when an arrow rushes to the target is... hmmm... how should I describe it? It's rather orgasmic.
For more info on Thalhah, you can check out their Facebook page:
Besides kids, they also cater to grown ups of course. They sell many kinds of bows and arrows and also their own brand of merchandise.