Bukit Bauk Jogging Track

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Truthfully, I'm not the type of guy who loves to exercise or work out but I just can't deny that it does feel good to put my muscles to work and sweat sometimes... 

At Dungun, there is a place where you can jog uphill and downhill which is Bukit Bauk Jogging Track... The track is tarred and therefore, by wearing appropriate shoes, you can jog up and down Bukit Bauk without having to worry about sliding... 

Besides jogging, people also come here to ride mountain bikes... People usually come here early in the morning and in the evening when it's not that sunny... The pictures below were taken by me around 5.30 to 6.00 pm... As you can see, it's not crowded at all... It's very peaceful... 

Below is a panorama picture... Click to enlarge...

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  1. Looks like a really nice place. The forest has many tall kapur trees still standing. I think this is the only hill in a flat terrain.
