- Director: David Leitch
- Writer: Kurt Johnstad (screenplay), based on a graphic novel series "The Coldest City" by Antony Johnston and Sam Hart
- Starring: Charlize Theron, James McAvoy, Sofia Boutella
- Genre: Action, Thriller, Spy, Investigation
- Rating: Contains nudity, lesbian sexual acts, cigarette smoking, alcohol consuming, blood and violence.
An MI6 agent, Lorraine Broughton, was sent to Berlin to investigate a murder of a fellow agent and retrieve a highly important document.
Lets face it. Charlize Theron is absolutely badass. Just look at her. Her smoldering stare makes you wonder whether she is going kiss you or kill you. So, in this movie, she plays the MI6 agent, Lorraine and she is dynamite as usual. She's cool and collected yet at the same time, kickass.

Based on that, I would say that she is the best thing about this movie. The next best thing would be the second lead, James McAvoy that plays the drunk and ill mannered, David Percival.
While Lorraine is rather a typical spy - calm and yet can kill you with any object in the room, David is rather the opposite. What I meant to say is with Lorraine, I always expect her to be badass. She's predictable. David on the other hand is a wild card. You look at him and think that he's just a punk. A jerk. But, surprise! He's actually a good spy with many tricks in his sleeve and can also kill with any object in the room. He's full of agenda too.
One might say that the character of David Percival is much interesting than the main, Lorraine Broughton. But I just can't shake how awesome Lorraine looks and therefore I am more attracted to her. Maybe that's because I am a guy.
Another interesting (and attractive) character is Sofia Boutella's Delphine Lasalle. It's a shame that the relationship between Delphine and Lorraine is not developed deeper because I think it would make the movie more memorable. Instead, their interaction is given little depth and can be considered as fan service.

Despite the awesome lead cast members, I think Atomic Blonde falls short on plot and story. The story is a cliche spy story and the plot lacks suspense.
Rather than developing the story better, in my opinion, the director spends too much time in gory yet awesome action scenes. I love the fight during the climax. It's just orgasmic to see Lorraine kick ass in a rather fashionable outfit.

Besides that, one other thing that is good is the setting. This movie is set on the eve of Berlin wall collapse, 1989. The fashion, the mood, the environment, the music... Gah! The detailing on the looks of this movie is so astonishing. It's like they went back in time to film it.
All in all, Atomic Blonde is a good action movie. The story and character development can still be improved but the action scenes is the thing that make this movie memorable.
3 out of 5 stars.