"Shit de fuck de shit de merde de shit de câlisse de TABARNAC!"

A sequel to 2006's Bon Cop Bad Cop. Martin Ward (Colm Feore) and David Bouchard (Patrick Huard) reunite and work together to investigate a car theft ring.
As I mentioned in this post, I love the first installment of this movie series and therefore, I expect the sequel to be, if not better, on par with it. Well well well, I'm not disappointed. I am fond to say that Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 is as entertaining as the first one.
First of all, I love the chemistry between the two leads. That is the thing that made the first one awesome and I am delighted to see the good chemistry is still there even after all these years. The banters and jokes between them are laughable.

This movie is Canadian and therefore, the budget is not as bombastic as Hollywood's. Because of that, there's minimum amount of CGI and unrealistic action sequence. However, that's the charm of this film. Even without Fast and Furious like action, the car chases, hand to hand brawls and bullet tradings are still exciting to watch. They're believable and many times funny which is an icing to the cake.
The plot feels better than the first installment. This time, the plot arranges Martin and David to work together yet separately, leaving enough space for David to shine. This time, we can see David beyond his ill manners and how street smart he is. Don't get me wrong, the story is still rather cliched but come on, if you've watched the first one, you would not be watching because you expect it to be mind blowing. You would be here because you want to see Martin and David together in action.
All in all, this movie works because of the delightful chemistry between the leads. The action and story are good enough but the thing that sells this movie is the humorous acts of Martin and David.
4 out of 5 stars.