The interest on Ana de Armas which started after I watched Blade Runner 2049 led me to the search of more of her works.

This movie is based on the life story of the legendary boxer Roberto Duran.
Okay, I'm not a boxing fan but I'm a bit into boxing after reading the Hajime no Ippo manga. Awesome manga by the way. Therefore, that little bit sort of push me to take interest in boxing films. When I first learned that Ana de Armas is in Hands of Stone, I immediately searched for that movie.
The best thing about this movie is the cast members and their performances. This movie validates to me that Ana de Armas certainly can act and she's not just a pretty face. I'm talking about Ana too much, am I? Sorry. She's just too cute. And she's topless in this one. Ahem, moving on, solid performance from the main star, Edgar Ramirez, who plays Roberto Duran. I love his facial expressions. Robert de Niro... well, he's Robert de Niro! What else can I say? Legendary. Yeah, I'm gonna legendary.

The story line is not too profound. Well, it's based on the real thing, so I guess that can't be helped. It's not that I'm saying the story is bad. It's just, emmm, a typical boxing story. The boxer boxes, then get into the harsh real world, loses his way, fucks up, and then BAM gets right on his feet.
Apart from that, this movie lacks memorable moments. It doesn't have that WOW factor, the thing that people will mention about as soon as they come out of the cinema.
In addition, the fight choreography and cinematography can be improved. Like I mention, there's no wow factor in it.
Heh, I sound like this film is a passable one but actually, it is not. Like I said, the cast members put up great performances. Furthermore, the story, though mediocre, is still not a boring one. To spice it up a bit and put on more emotions, there is a bit of the history of Panama in it. How the people of Panama suffered during the American acquisition of the Canal.
That being said, Hands of Stone is a good biopic but it can still be improved.
3 out of 5 stars.